HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Yvonne Foster
most recent 29 JAN 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 JAN 07 by HMF Admin
What a magnificent photo
Reply #1 of 1 posted 29 JAN 07 by Yvonne Foster
Thankyou for your kind comment, :)

PhotoDiscussion id : 14-584
most recent 22 OCT 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 OCT 06 by Henrique R. Vivián
Where is your HMF garden ???
Reply #1 of 5 posted 20 OCT 06 by Yvonne Foster
Look under 'Yvonne Foster' in 'Gardens'   for some reason there wasn't a link, I'm trying to rectify it now
Reply #2 of 5 posted 20 OCT 06 by HMF Admin

We have corrected this problem, ALL your photos are now included on your listing. We're glad to see you DO have a garden listing. 

When you upload photos be sure you properly logged in and that the upload form 'Courtesy of' prompt lists your garden listing.

Wonderful photos btw !
Reply #3 of 5 posted 21 OCT 06 by Yvonne Foster

Thanks for that Henrique, :)

It had been a while since I posted any, so may have done it from the wrong page,

thanks for your kind comments also,

Regards, Yvonne


Reply #4 of 5 posted 22 OCT 06 by Henrique R. Vivián

Dear Yvonne,

I'm glad to see again your garden with wonderful photos.Thanks.


Reply #5 of 5 posted 22 OCT 06 by Yvonne Foster

Thanks Henrique, :)

I enjoy your great photos also,

Regards  Yvonne


most recent 9 MAY 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 7 NOV 05 by Yvonne Foster
Henrique your roses are just beautiful & the photos are excellent, you have so many lovely varieties also, .... I notice you have a rose called 'Acapella' & I have a rose that looks identical as far as the flower & form goes, but on the notes it says it has a fragrant perfume & mine is a very mild perfume, also the leaves on mine are dark & glossy like a 'Peace' rose & it has about 50 petals.
I have placed a lot of photos on my page at Photobucket below which I have tentatively called 'Acapella' & I wondered if you'd mind giving me your opinion if you can spare the time ?, I'd be very grateful,

Thanks again for sharing all your lovely roses,
Kind Regards, Yvonne
Reply #1 of 5 posted 11 NOV 05 by Henrique R. Vivián
Dear Yvonne,

After seeing your beautiful photos and considering the description of leaves, I think your rose is really ACAPELLA.
About fragrance, no problem, ''noses'' are not similar (experts opinions diverge,some ones have more difficulty to smell... and they allot mild fragrance, in the other extreme is the breeder with the maximum fragrance) and the number of petals can also vary.
Roses are very capricious, may be because are so beautiful.
Kind regards,
Reply #2 of 5 posted 12 NOV 05 by Yvonne Foster
Thanks for the nice compliments Henrique,
and thanks so much for confirming my Acapella, it is very much appreciated as I've been looking for an ID for a long time, I'm very grateful for you taking the time to compare it, ........ I really enjoy all your beautiful roses also, wish I had room for some of those varieties,

Thanks again,
Kind Regards, Yvonne
Reply #3 of 5 posted 5 MAY 06 by Kim Rupert
Henrique, your comment about noses being different was right on target. Add to that, fragrance is created by oils and alcohols which require specific humidities and temperatures to express. If it's too damp, too dry, too hot or too cold, or any combination of these variables, the fragrance may not express. Or, they may express intensely and evaporate so the variety appears scentless. When you consider all the possibilities, it seems a miracle that any two people would be able to perceive the same fragrance at the same time.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 8 MAY 06 by Henrique R. Vivián

Kim, your explanation it was implicit in my comment but written by you is better. Anyway, I believe that our sense of smell can vary from people to people with some specific scents. Thanks.


Reply #5 of 5 posted 9 MAY 06 by HMF Admin


Have you considered uploading your photos to HelpMeFind for the rose community to enjoy.

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