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Cant (1857-1928), Frank
'Cant (1857-1928), Frank'  photo
Photo courtesy of CybeRose
  Listing last updated on 23 Jun 2024.
Braiswick, later Stanway
United Kingdom
See also The Rose Annual 1924, page 26;  1929, page 280;  

[From Roll Call: The Old Rose Breeder, p. 67:]
Frank Cant
Rochester and Colchester, England
Lived c. 1857 - August 22, 1928

Nephew of Benjamin R. Cant. After learning the trade from his uncle set up his own nursery in Colchester in the early 1880s, which led to a feud lasting until 1967, when both nurseries were united under the name of "Cants of Colchester".

[From A Rose Odyssey, p. 111:]

Frank Cant is probably of the same family, but there seems to be a feud between the two houses. The firm was established in the early eighties. Frank Cant, who died in late 1928...Frank Cant was considered the premier rose grower of England...The traditions of the family are carried on by two sons, Sidney and Captain Harvey Cant.

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