Photo courtesy of jedmar
Rose Breeder
Listing last updated on Wed Feb 2025
Ventura, California United States
Theodosia Burr Shepherd (October 14, 1845 Keosauqua IA - September 6, 1906 Ventura CA), horticulturist, garden architect.
[From Mrs. Theodosia B. Shepherd Descriptive Catalog of California Flowers, 1902, p. 61:] Owing to the necessity of using my grounds for other things, I have this year decided to give up roses; a few still on hand at the following prices: $1.00 plants at 50c, $4.00 dozen; 50c plants at 25c, $2.00 dozen; 25c plants at $1.50 dozen.
[From Rose Letter, November 2018, p. 15:] Late in the 19th century, an enterprising woman born in 1845 in Iowa, having settled in Ventura, California, for her health, lamented that California could count very few rose cultivars as its own. ...n. In Ventura, Theodosia Shepherd, virtually starting the flower seed industry in California, had begun a business selling seeds and bulbs in the mid-1880s called Shepherd’s Gardens. The pioneer flower-seed grower, she was, in fact, the first floriculturist to start a market of seeds for the eastern states. She hybridized a begonia (her favorite flower), a poppy, and 35 varieties of cosmos. and offered them for sale. Soon she offered roses for sale as well. When she incorporated the gardens, she changed the name of her firm to Theodosia B. Shepherd Co.....No doubt Theodosia Shepherd would have gone on to breed more roses had she not died in December of 1906....Remains of her garden can still be seen on the grounds of the E.P. Foster Library in Ventura.