HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Laurel Sommerfeld - Rose-mere Farm established 1891

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Rose (limited public access) Garden  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Very large Farm Garden and drive-way with a great interest in Roses. Earliest roses grown on the farm are: Marie Van Houtte and Frau Karl Druschki.
When a rose dies a new rose cannot be planted in the same place without renewing soil, so I usually grow some different type of plant for at least a year to restore the soil for roses. Hence there is a huge variety of plants along the 3 wide beds (210metres in length ) with arbours for roses and climbing plants. The plants use Spring-fed pond irrigation and the soil has been enriched over many years by burning tree stumps underground for bio-char. The soil is basically Glycolic Gley with added manure, red volcanic soil from another area of the farm and every bit of organic compost I can make. All plants are protected by mulch of various types -whatever is available now that Sugar cane no longer grows on the farm. Lately wood-chip has been the "go-to" and spoiled Lucerne hay is the favourite of plants and cattle -if they can reach it through the fence! I use large amounts of Neutrog Seamungus to keep plants healthy and very rarely find it necessary to spray roses.
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