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Thomson, George L.
'Thomson, George L.'  photo
Photo courtesy of Patricia Routley
Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Mon Sep 2024
Mount Barker, South Australia
George L. Thomson (d. 8 October 2023)

2023 Heritage Roses in Australia journal. Vol 45, No. 4. p36
Andrew Ross.  In Memory of George Thomson.

2000 Australian Rose Annual
The Australian Rose Award 1999 The National Rose Society of Australia has awarded Mr. George Thomson the Australian Rose Award in recognition of his work for The Rose. George Thomson's love of Roses emerged at the tender age of 18 years in Scotland where he grew, bred and exhibited Roses, winning a number of Scottish Championships. George's early working years saw him being employed as a Journeyman by Alec Cocker of Cocker Roses in Scotland and later in the famous Rose Gardens of Sissinghurst Castle. After gaining his Diploma in Horticulture and Professorship in Animal Husbandry he immigrated to Victoria, Australia in 1958 having to leave the Roses from his breeding program behind. After some time in Victoria where he resurrected his Rose breeding program, he finally settled in South Australia in 1972 and accepted the position of Foreman at the Centennial Park Cemetery. In 1991 he joined The Rose Society of South Australia and continues to serve on Council, since his nomination in 1997. George has served "The Rose" and the community in many ways. He has generously contributed some of the Roses he has hybridised including 'Howard Florey’ to the Howard Florey Medical Research Foundation. George is an active member of the Australian Rose Breeders Association and a contributor of articles to their quarterly publication. He takes every opportunity to promote and publicise Australian bred Roses. George has lectured interstate in Queensland, Western Australia and the ACT and also at the South East and Chaffey Branches of The Rose Society of South Australia providing valued Rose culture information. George Thomson is one of Australia's "Quiet Achievers" and The Rose Society of South Australia, Inc. and all rose lovers generally, will be gratified that Mr George Thomson has been granted this prestigious award.

Australian Rose Annual
1995-105 Why I grow roses - symposium - George Thomson, (Mt. Barker, SA)
1996-52 Australian raised roses - symposium - George Thomson, (Mt. Barker, SA)
1997-59 My most healthy & free flowering ros - symp - George Thomson, (Mt. Barker, SA)
1997-96 Picture of Miss Laura Chantal Bates and Mr. George Thomson.
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