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Zlesak, David Charles
'Zlesak, David Charles'  photo
Photo courtesy of zlesak
Rose Breeder, Author and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Fri Feb 2025
River Falls, Wisconsin 54022
United States
USDA Zone: 4a (-30 to -25 F / -34.4 to -31.7 C)
I live in River Falls, WI and am breeding roses adapted to the Northern climate. I've been using hardy species roses with modern shrub and mini roses to try to generate roses with greater disease resistance, winter hardiness, and diversity of flower color. I started breeding roses in 1984 and have loved and continued breeding roses every year since. It is rewarding and exciting to see new seedlings develop and work towards breeding goals. Many surprises pop up along the way as well making it even more fun.

[From Old Texas Rose, Fall 2020, p. 6-7:] Starting breeding roses some 35 years ago, David’s work with polyantha roses has held a special place in this heart, in his basement (where there are hundreds of seedling plants grown under lights) and in his garden which currently has over 3,000 plants. ....David’s rose breeding career started at age 13 and with the help of great mentors, Will Radler (father of The ‘Knock Out® Rose) and Elton Strack, learned breeding techniques and developed a keen appreciation for the wide diversity among roses. 
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