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Back in Black rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of SCBlossom
Buds are almost black.
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Souvenir de la Malmaison Rouge rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Linda's Long Ago Roses
It's a silky rose pink, very fragrant, good rebloom, handy short plant, some bs.
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Back in Black rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of SCBlossom
Heat and sun burn the edges of the petals. I like the effect, but it may not be for everyone.
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Lady Stuart rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of odinthor
The honoree, Lady Stuart (center), with her daughters. Note the roses. Painting by George Hayter, 1830. Lord Stuart was ambassador to France 1828-1830; the rose surely dates to some point in that period.
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Back in Black rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of SCBlossom
Fully open bloom in mid summer. The center with the stamen reminds me of a poinsettia.
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Decoration™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Britta van Hage
Organic Rose Nursery De Bierkreek, The Netherlands June 05, 2024
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Miaulis rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of odinthor
The honoree Miaoulis (as the name of the person is now generally spelled), painting by Peter von Hess, 1824.
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Elle rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Britta van Hage
Organic Rose Nursery De Bierkreek, The Netherlands May 31, 2024
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