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Alan Titchmarsh rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Maddalena Piccinini
In my garden. Arcello, North Italy, Sept. 2024
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Sir Henry Segrave rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Kim Rupert
September 1, 2024. Santa Maria, CA. Natural light.
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Sir Henry Segrave rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Kim Rupert
September 1, 2024. Santa Maria, CA. Flash.
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Back in Black rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of SCBlossom
Buds are almost black.
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Sir Henry Segrave rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Kim Rupert
September 1, 2024. Santa Maria, CA. Flash.
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Back in Black rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of SCBlossom
Heat and sun burn the edges of the petals. I like the effect, but it may not be for everyone.
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Sir Henry Segrave rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Kim Rupert
September 1, 2024. Santa Maria, CA. Flash.
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Back in Black rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of SCBlossom
Fully open bloom in mid summer. The center with the stamen reminds me of a poinsettia.
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