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The Mill On The Floss rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Lisa S
Grows in lovely clusters. Gets a few days in a vase. Light blush color in the summers (HOT! Over 95ºF/35ºC)
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Black Boy rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of HubertG
A bud of my newly purchased potted 'Black Boy', 15 Sep 24.
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The Mill On The Floss rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Lisa S
First year rose, gets extremely long octopus canes, I have trimmed them when I cut the sprays to bring inside. I will put on obelisk by it for it's second year for support.
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French Lace rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Michael's Roses....
In my garden, Evansville, IN Sept 14, 2024
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Golden Wings rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Bug_girl
September 13, 2024, Zone 7a, Provo, Utah, USA
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Silpedhade rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Michael's Roses....
In my garden, Evansville, IN Sept 14, 2024
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Black Boy rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of HubertG
A bud of my newly purchased potted 'Black Boy', 15 Sep 24. There are no thorns on the last 25cm of this shoot.
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First Kiss rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Michael's Roses....
In my garden, Evansville, IN Sept 14, 2024
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