'VIRstar' rose References
Magazine (2020) Page(s) 25. Vol 42, No. 4. Sue Zwar. Penola's Heritage Rose Garden. One of the problems of planting roses when their habit is unknown is putting them in inappropriate places. This has especially occurred with some of the Chinas where small plants have been overshadowed by giants. Evenstar is a magnificent China similar to Mutabilis but more pink in colour and even more vigorous. This was threatening to take over the China bed as well as the adjoining pathway, so last winter I pruned it severely and shifted it to the rear of the Murrell Block along the fence line, where it is once again thriving and beginning its flowering regime – it never stops flowering. I have two more cutting-grown plants of Evenstar to add to the area to make a grand statement.
Magazine (2019) Page(s) 6. Vol 41, No. 2. Includes photo(s). Sue Zwar: Evenstar and the Viraraghavans......