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'WALbless' rose References
Book  (2019)  Page(s) 73.  Includes photo(s).
2019 New Releases - Wagner's Rose Nursery
The Governor’s Wife  Grandiflora Rose (Walbless). Australian Bred by Richard & Ruth Walsh  This grandiflora, orange pink rose was selected by Mrs Hurley, wife of the Governor of NSW, to celebrate the contribution of the wives of the Governors of NSW to life in NSW. A very full, borne in small clusters rose, with a pleasant fragrance and large foliage. Mild fragrance. Approx 1.2m tall.
Book  (2018)  Page(s) 96.  Includes photo(s).
Richard Walsh. The Governor’s Wife.
Ruth and I were honoured when one of our varieties Walbless was selected.....
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