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'HARroony' rose References
Book  (Feb 2009)  Page(s) 164.  Includes photo(s).
‘Amber Queen’/Haroony: Floribunda. Parents: ‘Southampton’ x ‘Typhoon’. Obtenteur: Harkness 1984. Les fleurs se teintent de cette délicate nuance ambrée, que l’on appelait autrefois jaune nankin, jadis portée par certains Thé…
Website/Catalog  (2008)  Page(s) 26.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 19.  
Rated 6.6
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 77.  Includes photo(s).
‘Amber Queen’/HARroony/’Prinz Eugen von Savoyen’ = Floribunda – tons abricot, remontant… Au jardin, ses atouts sont sa tonalité d’ambre pur, son aptitude à produire jusqu’aux gelées des bouquets de grandes fleurs bien formées, son élégance en massif, sa santé à toute épreuse et son parfum suave. A quoi il faut ajouter le délicieux contraste entre le jaune ardent de ses fleurs et le vert profond de son feuillage coriace et luisant... Harkness, UK, 1984.
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 76-77.  Includes photo(s).
Amber Queen (HARoony, 'Prinz Eugen von Saroyen') Floribunda. Harkness (UK) 1984. Description... pure amber color... 'Rosemary Harkness' was the name originally intended for this variety, but when it won Britain's Rose of the Year competition a change was made on grounds of commercial acceptability. The synonym comes from an Austrian national hero...
Website/Catalog  (23 Oct 1998)  Page(s) 17.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 305.  
Amber Queen (HARroony) Harkness (UK) 1984. Description... clusters of fully double blooms of amber-yellow...
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 13.  
Amber Queen (HARroony, 'Prinz Eugen van Savoyen') Cluster-flowered (Floribunda) bush. Description. Flowers: amber yellow. Parentage: 'Southampton' x 'Typhoon' Harkness (England) 1984.
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 96.  Includes photo(s).
Amber Queen ('Prinz Eugen von Savoyen', HARroony) Cluster-flowered floribunda... [this rose has been awarded 26 or more international prizes]... It was to have borne the name 'Rosemary Harkness', but when it won Britain's Rose of the Year competition, a change was made on ground of commercial acceptability. In Austria they had their own ideas and bestowed on it the name of a national hero instead. Harkness 1984
Book  (3 Jul 1995)  Page(s) 3.  Includes photo(s).
Amber Queen has won many awards for its beauty, freedom of flower, and fragrance...
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