'MACcarlto' rose References
Website/Catalog (25 Jan 2016) Registered Name: 'Maccarlto' Synonyms: Northland ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Sweet Gesture ....PP9275 [(Sexy Rexy × New Year) × West Coast]
Website/Catalog (2008) Page(s) 31. Sweet Gesture (MACcarlto) Floribunda. McGredy 1996.. lovely, heavy petalled, exhibition quality [pink] bloomer that has wonderful, healthy, shiny foliage and great hardiness... Named 'Northland' in New Zealand...
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p8 1992. Northland - Maccarlto. Nicknamed Carlton. For the Rose Society.
Seedling Books NZ 1986-End. 1988-1989. p8. Send to Spek, 1989. Carlton MACcarlto 86/342. Macmiskiz x West Coast. Pink HT.
Seedling Books NZ 1986-End. 1990-1991. p12 342. Miss Kizzy x West Coast. Carlton [Carlton crossed out and overprinted:] Northland. - Maccarlto.
Seedling Books NZ 1986-End. Wind Down to End.p9 July 4, 1994. AARS Entries. 1994 Entry - Maccarlto. 94R410.
Magazine (1998) Page(s) 35. Sweet Gesture ...
Book (1998) Page(s) 114. Nola Simpson. Final Analysis. Floribundas Northland (MACcarlto); McGredy 1991; ('Sexy Rexy' x 'New Year') x 'West Coast'; rose pink; 58 reports on 88 bushes; 1.2 metres; 7.5 rating. Well reported on from a good cross section of the country and at its best an attractive pink floribunda. The plants are bushy with attractive glossy foliage, the large heads of HT type blooms are often too heavy for the stems and fall over unless staked for support. Many blooms come singly, especially in the autumn. It is slow to come into flower in the spring and the repeat is slow too. A pretty rose in the garden and enjoys drier weather conditions. Black spot and downy mildew can be a problem in certain areas. The stems are often too short for picking. It seems to be more popular in the northern regions of the country where warmer conditions prevail.
Book (1997) Page(s) 104. Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1996-97 Season. Northland (MACcarlto); McGredy 1991; ('Sexy Rexy' x 'New Year') x 'West Coast'; rose pink; 15 reports on 19 bushes; 2-5 years; 1.2 metres; 7.4 rating. Well reported on from a good cross-section of the country. Waikato lovely clear pink, HT shape in large clusters, repeats well and healthy. Northland reports mid pink HT type flowers in large well spaced heads or singles, late into flower in the spring, repeat slow. North Harbour is pleased with it, good garden rose, very healthy, free and colour and shape good. Another from Waikato says it has not fulfilled the promise. Te Awamutu slow to establish, not vigorous yet, foliage good, beautiful colour, HT form, garden rose. Marlborough slow repeat, heavy clumsy heads, mites bad. Kaitaia has succumbed to downy mildew. Otago attractive pink, can't decide whether HT or floribunda, late to flower spring and slow repeat, bushy habit, still promising! Manawatu disappointing, flowers too heavy for stems and fall over without staking, repeat slow, colour is the best feature.
Book (1996) Page(s) 105. Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1995-96 Season. Northland (MACcarlto). McGredy 1991; ('Sexy Rexy' x 'New Year') x 'West Coast'; rose pink. 17 reports on 30 bushes; 1-3 years; 1.4 metres; 7.4 rating. Variable reports some find the flowers rather large for a floribunda and they tend to be too heavy for the stems, can be nice, often comes singly. Waikato bothered by rust at times but generally healthy, another from Waikato has had few flowers. Marlborough considers it an ordinary pink, good form, slow to repeat.Kaitaia finds it is no good for either showing or picking. Northland finds it slow into flower in the spring and repeat slow, some downy mildew. Bay of Plenty says some of the flowers have confused centres and Auckland queries the floribunda classification.
Book (1995) Page(s) 106. Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1994-95 Season. Northland (MACcarlto); McGredy 1991; ('Sexy Rexy' x 'New Year') x 'West Coast'; rose pink; 14 reports on 24 bushes; 1-3 years; 1.2 metres; 7.5 rating. A new rose pink floribunda with first reports from around the country. In general it is well liked and found to be a good garden rose. Northland says late to flower spring, glossy foliage, attractive flowers. Te Awamutu says it has not done much so far, expect better next year. Marlborough finds it attractive but queries its classification saying more HT. South Otago likes, lovely clear pink, plenty of basal growth. Otago was not impressed to start with, now finds it very attractive, very healthy, foliage sets off blooms and visitors to garden are attracted to it. Promising.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 414. Northland Floribunda, medium pink, 1991, (MACarlto); ('Sexy Rexy' x 'New Year') x 'West Coast'; McGredy, Sam. Description.
Book (1993) Includes photo(s). p112. Northland (Maccarlo). Flor., McGredy, New Zealand. Transparency Egmont Roses.
p126. Egmont Roses advertisement. Northland (Maccarlto) Floribunda. A robust disease resistant, free branching plant with widely spaced trusses of hybrid tea blooms in a clear salmon pink. Named for the Northland Rose Society.