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'KORdalen' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 160-048
most recent 18 JAN HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 JAN
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
Discussion id : 39-074
most recent 16 JUN 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 10 SEP 09 by arvid jørgensen
When a plant does not want to grow at all, rather looking like it is likely to die on you, then give it another spot in your garden. This extremely vigorous climber is an outstanding example to prove the truth in these words. From remaining a tiny plant on the brink if perishing in front of my house, it has now grown into an enormous climber, sending out canes and twigs in all directions. I have now given up on trying to control it other than binding up these canes and twigs in the directions they want to go so as not to be broken down by wind or by their own weight. People who saw the once tiny plant hardly believe their eyes. The flowers are of an almost luminous colour mainly due to the fact that they are bicoloured. They appear cherry red, but because of the creamy yellow inside they also appear luminous to look at. The plant seems somewhat reluctant to flower on older stems even if they are not older than two years, which is why the flush usually starts a bit late. But from then on it flowers continuously way into the autumn when the yellow colour becomes more dominant leaving the red to fade a bit. It`s a sheer delight to have such a plant in my garden.
Reply #1 of 7 posted 10 SEP 09 by Jeff Britt
A great story and an even greater plant. I have Antique 89 and am as impressed with it as you are. Highly recommended!
Reply #3 of 7 posted 10 SEP 09 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
I had this rose over 10 years ago. I can't complain about disease problems or lack of vigor. It got enormous very quickly as budded plant.

Strangely enough I just never liked it very much. The growth habit was ungainly for me. It threw out awkward and enormous heavily prickled canes with very leathery foliage.

The blossoms were always a harsh color that didn't blend well with other things, at least to my eye.

I suspect the intense warmth and light here in the low desert made it look too garish.

It was one of the first roses I removed. I might look lovely for others grown in the right climate. I just didn't enjoy it here.
Reply #4 of 7 posted 10 SEP 09 by Jeff Britt
Perhaps in time I will lose my zeal for this rose. It does throw out a number of big, thorny new canes which are a bit too stiff to make the rose easily trained (like Sally Holmes in that regard) and the leaves are somewhat sparse and very thick and leathery. It is not the usual rose.

As to the flower color, it is also out of the common way. It has the "antique" flower form so popular these days, but the colors are as bright and lurid as any modern hybrid tea. The juxtaposition of ogr flower form and very modern coloring is singular in my experience. Somehow, the color works in my garden, which is odd since I have shied away from most all HT's because their colors so often clash with everything else.

Perhaps my enthusiasm will cool this winter when I have to prune that prickly beast! Until then, I'll just enjoy such a healthy, free-flowering climber.
Reply #5 of 7 posted 10 SEP 09 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
'Rosarium Uetersen' was another one with similar form and coloration that I just couldn't warm up to. It too is gone.

It might be lovely where you are though.
Reply #7 of 7 posted 16 JUN 16 by Michael Garhart
Just saw this. RU is absolutely beautiful here. Cinnamon-coral tones come out in cool weather, and no blackspot. I can see how the heat would kill the romance our RU. In heat, it looks like any other pink.
Reply #6 of 7 posted 11 SEP 09 by arvid jørgensen
Hello California! How I sometimes wish I had the same climate as you do, but then again this is not a problem with Antike. Looks like it wants to compete wih the monster roses like Brenda Colvin, and is doing quite well too at that. I have checked out a some of your rose photos of which I have found a few favourites too. I have read your garden comments and as far as I understand you are interested in starting to breed roses as well. Another American gardener Robert with his desert rose garden who has also posted comments on this rose,is breeding roses and allegedly hardy ones too, and some of them are really very beautiful to judge by the photos uploaded. He wants to try and introduce them to the European market, and I hope he will succeed eventually. Thanks for commenting.

Reply #2 of 7 posted 10 SEP 09 by HMF Admin
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experience - information like this is a terrific addition to HMF.

I hope you have also found the time to use HMF's plant rating system for this plant - it's quick, easy and a very useful tool in helping choose plants.
Discussion id : 66-692
most recent 31 AUG 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 AUG 12 by Belle Epoque
Available from - Belle Epoque Rozenkwkerij / J.D.Maarse en Sons. B.V.
Discussion id : 53-307
most recent 7 APR 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 APR 11 by jnmccool
Antique 89 has been in our south Louisiana garden now for about 5 years and it is indeed very vigorous and hard to control. It currently has busted loose from several of its peggings and is reaching well over the roof of our one story house. It has never bloomed much for us though. That may be because it doesn't get all day sun and, if it weren't for the fact that it's planted immediately in front of our teenager's window, I'd move it to a sunnier spot. Alll those thorns though ... great deterrent for unauthorized excursions through the window. It make me think of the movie, "There Will Be Blood."
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