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'La Jolla' rose References
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 244.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 244.  
La Jolla Large-flowered. Herbert Swim 1964. Description... a splendid rose for a hot dry climate... pink with cream and gold towards the centre... named for the Californian town. Parentage: 'Charlotte Armstrong' x 'Contrast'.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 295.  
La Jolla Hybrid Tea, soft pink veined deeper, center cream and gold, 1954, 'Charlotte Armstrong' x 'Contrast'; Swim. Description.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 147.  
1953 -- LA JOLLA = Charlotte Armstrong X Contrast
Book  (1978)  Page(s) 192.  
‘La Jolla'  Medium  —   Pink  Remontant     P3   H1 
From the commercially important ' Baccara' to a rose which I suppose hardly earned anyone a halfpenny. It is self-indulgence to mention it, but there you are, I cannot be untrue to my great loves. 'La Jolla' is my idea of the perfect Hybrid Tea flower, a substantial bloom well rounded at the base, with the point of the centre high, yet admitting the eye to the folds of the petals. I can imagine Herbert Swim falling in love with this one, the colours so beautifully flushed and creamed together. The only trouble was that every blessed flower leaned down and looked at the soil. 0 what might have been!  It was raised from 'Charlotte Armstrong' x 'Contrast' by Herbert Swim, and  introduced in 1954. 
Book  (1954)  Page(s) 13.  
Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1954. La Jolla HT. (Swim, 1953). Long buds opening to fully double blooms of variable pink, yellow and rose shades. The first blooms suggested a resemblance to ‘Rotary Lyon’, but later flowers are much deeper. When fully expanded the portions of the petals exposed to full sunlight deepen to rich pink. A good exhibition garden variety and quite distinct. Named after a seaside resort in Southern California; pronounced La Hoya.
Book  (1954)  Page(s) 172.  
La Jolla
Magazine  (Nov 1952)  Page(s) 4. trimester, p. 112.  
Liste des Appellations "Marques Déposées" Enregistrées par la Société Française des Roses au 29 Novembre 1952....
Désignation commune SWA-490, H.T., 1952, La Jolla, Enregist. National en France 158-6, Enregist. International à Berne - , Obtenteurs Swim, Editeurs Gaujard
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