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'Mary Sumner' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 126-914
most recent 9 APR 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 APR 21 by Coneygar
Does anyone know where in I can buy Rosa Mary Sumner or get a cutting? A very good friend us a Sumner and direct descendant of Mary Sumner. Many thanks for any help.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 8 APR 21 by Patricia Routley
In the ‘Mary Sumner’ page, see BUY FROM (top right) and select United Kingdom as the country,
Reply #2 of 4 posted 8 APR 21 by Coneygar
Thank you. As you can tell I am new to this.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 8 APR 21 by Patricia Routley
A pleasure Coneygar. Try to spend a little time just exploring HelpMeFind. You are in for a treat.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 9 APR 21 by Coneygar
Thanks again Patricia and looking forward to exploring this new world. Meanwhile back to planting my new garden.
Discussion id : 55-400
most recent 23 JUN 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 JUN 11 by Tomartyr
News item in The Otago Daily Times (New Zealand), 23 June 2011:
Cuttings of the rare orange rose 'Mary Sumner' transplanted from the Dunedin Botanic Garden to a Hastings garden last year are doing well.
The floribunda rose was bred in 1976 by Sam McGredy IV, who came to live in New Zealand in 1972, and a search by Hastings heritage rose enthusiast Georgina Campbell found the Dunedin Botanic Garden's bushes to be the only ones of their kind in a public garden.
Mrs Campbell said the cuttings would be planted in the McGredy Rose Garden shortly.
"There will be spares to share with some friends as well, to ensure they are in a few more safe places."
In 2013, the garden would be part of the World Federation of Roses international conference day trip and it was hoped that by then 'Mary Sumner' would be flowering well, she said.
Discussion id : 48-879
most recent 19 OCT 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 OCT 10 by Michael Garhart
The Random House Book of Roses by Roger Phillips and Martyn Rix lists Mary Sumner as follows:

"Mary Sumner (Macstra) A floribunda raised by McGredy. Growth tall. Parentage: (Orangeade x Margot Fonteyn) x [Elizabeth of Glamis x (Little Darling x Goldilocks)].

The photo makes it evident where Brown Velvet got its outrageously long peduncles, lol. I am glad I finally found this because I swore I knew Orangeade was an ancestor of Brown Velvet. It was driving me nuts...
Reply #1 of 4 posted 19 OCT 10 by Cass
Thanks, Michael. I don't have my copy with me. In the "looking a gift horse in the mouth" theme, do you have a page number?
Reply #2 of 4 posted 19 OCT 10 by Michael Garhart
Sure thing! Its 192 for the pic and 193 for the text.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 19 OCT 10 by Cass
Reply #4 of 4 posted 19 OCT 10 by Michael Garhart
Np, its my pleasure. I wish I could do more for ya all lately. Life has been kicking my butt lately :)
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