'Crimson Shower' rose References
Article (misc) (2005) Page(s) 110, Table 5.1. Crimson Shower: diploid
Book (2002) Page(s) 36. Crimson Shower Hybrid Wichurana. Not rated
Book (2000) Page(s) 186. Includes photo(s). Crimson Shower: liane… Il n’est pas remontant, mais il fait illusion car sa floraison démarre tardivement et se prolonge en fin d’été… longs rameaux flexibles se laissent aisément palisser sur pergola ou sur colonne, mais c’est conduit en parasol ou en rosier pleureur qu’il excelle… fin feuillage luisant, remarquablement sain pour un rosier de ce type… Norman, UK, 1951
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 186. Includes photo(s). Crimson Shower Rambler. Norman (UK) 1951. Description... large, dense clusters of small, scarlet-crimson, double blooms... 20 petals... National Rose Society Trial Ground Certificate 1951, Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit 1993...
Website/Catalog (Jun 1998) Page(s) 64. Includes photo(s).
Book (1996) Page(s) 28. Crimson Shower Rambler... double crimson rosettes... [flowers] from after midsummer to early autumn... 'Excelsa' seedling. Norman (England) 1951.
Book (1996) Page(s) 61. Includes photo(s). Crimson Shower Rambler. This rose is astonishing because of its blooming period. In England, it starts in late July when other ramblers have finished, and dense clusters of crimson rosettes are maintained right through August into September...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 118. Crimson Shower Rambler, clear crimson, 1951, 'Excelsa' seedling; Norman. Description.
Book (May 1992) Page(s) 315. Crimson Showers Norman (UK) 1951. 'Excelsa' seedling... Crimson, pompon-like blooms... Foliage mid-green and glossy...
Book (1978) Page(s) 169. 'Crimson Shower'. Trailer. Red Late summer. Perfume 2. Hips 1 [On a sliding scale of merit from 1 to 10]. Three stars recommendation. One of the last roses to come into bloom; and one of the last Wichuraiana Hybrids to be raised, as breeders turned their attention to more remontant climbers. It has the typical small double flowers of the class, in a deep glowing crimson, the best red colour of them all. No better red rose exists to grow on a pillar. Raised by Albert Norman and introduced by my firm in 1951. The parentage is always quoted as a seedling of 'Excelsa', but I have an idea there was more to it than that.