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'AROkris' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 167-935
most recent 20 JUL HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 JUL by Michael Garhart
If I was guessing, I would assume this rose is a descendent of 'Yellow Pages' and one of Jack Christensen's proprietary yellow floribunda seedlings. The tip off, I think, is the dominant 'Arthur Bell' foliage type that seems to follow its hybrids for a few generations.
Discussion id : 167-934
most recent 20 JUL HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 JUL by Michael Garhart
I see the problem with some of the references and photos. The older 'Golden Wedding' has photos of this 'Golden Wedding', and a reference here has the parentage of the older 'Golden Wedding' as this 'Golden Wedding'. So these two roses have been mixed up far before HMF.
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