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'COCgrand' rose References
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 215.  
Myriam ('Amazing Grace', 'Celebration') HT. Good reliable rebloom. Outstanding fragrance. Habit [diagram 4]. Cocker, 1992. [Provenance: Richard Schiell, Ca.]. A rose that I had wanted to grow since first seeing it in England in 1995. 'Myriam' has more of the look of an old Hybrid Perpetual about the flower than most of the English roses we grow. Very fragrant broad cups of regular formation, soft rose pink. An excellent healthy plant.
Article (misc)  (Jul 2002)  Page(s) 6.  
'Amazing Grace'
see Myriam
Hybrid Tea
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 425.  
Myriam (COCgrand) Large-flowered/Hybrid Tea. Cocker (UK) 1992... large, light rose pink, very fragrant flowers...
Website/Catalog  (Aug 1998)  Page(s) 7.  
Myriam (COCgrand) Hybrid Tea. Cocker 1991... magnificent perfume... pale pink... quartered centres reminiscent of the old style shrub roses...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 404.  
Myriam® Hybrid Tea, light pink, 1992, (COCgrand); 'Typhoo Tea' x 'Grandpa Dickson'; Cocker, James; James Cocker Sons 1991. Flowers light pink, very full (41+ petals), large (7+cms) blooms borne mostly singly; very fragrant; foliage large, medium green, semi-glossy; some prickles, medium (76.20cms), upright growth.
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