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'Charles Darwin' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 86.  
Charles Darwin Hybrid Perpetual, brownish crimson, 1879, 'Mme. Julian [sic] Daran' seedling; Laxton Bros.
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 155.  
Charles Darwin Hybrid Perpetual. Laxton/G. Paul 1879. From 'Pierre Notting' x 'Mme. Julia Daran'. The author cites information from different sources... Crimson brown...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 193.  
Darwin, Charles (HP) Laxton 1880 (G. Paul); P. Notting X Jul. Daran; brownish crimson, large, double, flat cup form, imbricated, fine form, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, growth 7/10.
Website/Catalog  (1913)  Page(s) 13.  
Hybrid Perpetual Roses.
Charles Darwin
A meritorious variety chiefly noted for its rather unusual colors- a brownish crimson with a shade of violet, the deepness of the tones depending upon the angle from which the flowers are observed. This variety was originated in England in 1879, and is from Madame Jule Duran, a popular French Rose. The plant is semi-dwarf in habit, yet is a free grower and produces a multitude of very beautiful and distinct flowers. The plant is reasonably hardy, but needs a little more attention than some of the better-known Hybrid Perpetuals- but the inherent loveliness of the large blossoms compensates one for any effort bestowed in the cultivation of this Rose.
Website/Catalog  (1911)  Page(s) 24.  
Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Charles Darwin. Bright red, reflexed; large, full
Book  (1910)  Page(s) 281.  
Charles Darwin flowers brownish crimson, shaded with violet, a good Autumnal; form expanded; growth vigorous.
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 119.  
Hybrides Remontants. Groupe E. — Général Jacqueminot
Les rosiers formant ce groupe, le plus important de tous, sont des arbustes de végétation vigoureuse, très florifères et portant beaucoup à fruit. Rameaux allongés, généralement gris; aiguillons nombreux, crochus; feuillage vert foncé, folioles ovales; floraison le plus souvent en corymbe; fleur forme en coupe ou chiffonnée, frisée, quelquefois globuleuse, coloris du rouge clair au pourpre noirâtre; fruits abondants, de forme plutôt arrondie.
3760. Charles Darwin... (G. Paul 1879)... cramoisi brun.
Booklet  (1899)  Page(s) 19.  
Hybrid Perpetuals. 
Charles Darwin  Laxton 1879  S. G. Brownish-crimson, cupped, reflexed, vigorous. 
Book  (1894)  Page(s) 223.  
Hybrid Perpetuals
Charles Darwin (Laxton, 1879). — Good growth and foliage, the blooms having a colour described universally as brownish-crimson. I have been unable to detect the brown shade, but must, as I have said, leave these delicate distinctions of tints to experts. Rather late, and a good autumnal. The shape is open, and the variety does not prove very satisfactory with me, though often well shown by others.
Website/Catalog  (1885)  Page(s) 1.  
New Roses
Charles Darwin deep crimson, with brownish tint, and slightly shaded with violet; a good autumnal bloomer, and thoroughly distinct.  Figured in the Florist and Pomologist.
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