'Charles Dickens' rose References
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p5 1970. Charles Dickens - 64/88. Nicknamed Whelehan.
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 115. Includes photo(s). Charles Dickens Cluster-flowered. Parentage: 'Paddy McGredy' x 'Elizabeth of Glamis'. Sam McGredy 1970. Description... a very attractive two-tone pink...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 86. Charles Dickens Floribunda, rosy salmon, 1970, 'Paddy McGredy' x 'Elizabeth of Glamis'; McGredy, S., IV. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 115. Includes photo(s).
Book (1984) Page(s) 23. Don Sheppard. Final Analysis 1983-84 'Charles Dickens'. McGredy 1970 ('Paddy McGredy' x 'Elizabeth of Glamis'.) 3". 16 petals, salmon, slight fragrance. 19 reports, 7.4 rating. This very pleasant variety I'm afraid has long since vanished from Nurserymen's catalogues, a pity for it has many virtues. It is very similar to 'Elizabeth of Glamis' in colour, rather larger in bloom if anything, in fact one early report does say they think it could replace her. iut it never did, she is around being sold, he is not. Early reports were all favourable, and late reports in still talk of a healthy non-fading floriforous floribunda.
Book (1975) Page(s) 16. Review of Newer Roses, 1974-75 Season. Floribunda. 'Charles Dickens'. Salmon. No. of reports 11. Years grown 2. Average height 36”. NRS rating 7.2. New Plymouth: Deeper colour than 'Elizabeth of Glamis'. Most attractive, blooms well. Dunedin: This is a good one in Otago. Almost the same as E. of G., but better. Palmerston North: Good stems of roses. I like this one. Disease free.
Website/Catalog (1972) Includes photo(s). p8. Photo. 'Charles Dickens'.
p17. Novellty Floribunda roses of 1971. 'Charles Dickens' (McGredy, 1971). a lovely newcomer from the House of McGredy. Colouring being a strong salmon pink. Free flowering, vigorous growth and lovely lustrous foliage which is disease resistant, all add up to a very promising rose creation.
Book (1971) Page(s) 34. E. F. Allen. Awards to New Rose Seedlings in Great Britain 1970. Trial ground Certificate. 'Charles Dickens' ('Paddy McGredy' x 'Elizabeth of Glamis'. an HT type floribunda, by McGredy, with pale vermilion flowers aging to salmon pink.
Book (1971) Page(s) 176. p33. Photo. 'Charles Dickens'. Trial ground Certificate 1970.
p176. L. G. Turner. The Trial Ground and Display Garden, 1970. Trial Ground Certificate to 'Charles Dickens' (Flori./HT type). 'Paddy McGredy' x 'Eizabeth of Glamis'. Trial ground No. 1549. Reg. No. 1361. Raiser: S. McGredy IV. Distributor: S. McGredy & Son Ltd., N. Ireland. Bloom: rosy salmon, darker reverse, moderately full (22 petals), borne several together and in trusses. Growth: upright, vigorous and compact. Foliage: dark green, semi-glossy.