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'Madame Agathe Nabonnand' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 503.  
Nabonnand, Agathe (tea) Nabonnand 1886; white, edges flesh-coloured, large to very large, double, goblet form, opens, fragrance 6/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, growth 7/10, upright
Book  (1912)  Page(s) 64.  
Race des Thé non sarmenteux. Groupe A.- Safrano...
Madame Agathe Nabonnand Nabonnand 1886. Jaune pâle, légèrement saumoné.- fl. grande, pleine, lég. en coupe; très florifPre, vigoureux. Pour couper les fleurs.
Website/Catalog  (1907)  Page(s) 30.  
Madame Agathe Nabonnand (Nabonnand 1887) pale yellow [No longer in 1911 catalogue].
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 65.  
Rosiers Thé non sarmenteux. Groupe ..Safrano
1123. Madame Agathe Nabonnand (Nabonnand 1886), jaune pâle
Website/Catalog  (1900)  Page(s) 91.  
Madame Agathe Nabonnand  Pale salmon, very large and full, large and globular buds, growth vigorous. 
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 103.  
Madame Agathe Nabonnand, thé, Nabonnand, 1886, carmin
Book  (1898)  Page(s) 1.  
Agatha Nabonnand. Tea -- Nabonnand, 1886.
Flesh-coloured flowers of great size, slightly margined with a darker shade; buds are egg-shaped, very large and heavy, easily affected by damp; vigorous, grows to large size and very floriferous, a really magnificent rose, but very difficult to obtain from it perfect flowers; the plant seems unequal to the task of opening these great fleshy buds, which cannot withstand much moisture or a too fierce sun. Rose bugs and other insects especially fond of this variety. A splendid thing when obtained in perfection, which is so seldom that it cannot rank among really desirable roses.
Website/Catalog  (1894)  Page(s) 183.  
Tea-Scented Roses and Their Hybrids.
Madame Agathe Nabonnand  Flesh colour, fine long globular buds; very large, full, sweet, and very free
Website/Catalog  (1893)  Page(s) 18.  
Rosiers-thé....Agathe Nabonnand (Nabonnand 87): Fl. carné marginé, gr., pl., tr. odor., bouton ovoïde. Arb. vig., toujours fleuri. C.
Magazine  (23 Jan 1892)  Page(s) 80-81.  
It is probably not a matter for surprise, seeing how Continental Rose raisers annually inundate us with their long lists of novelties, if some variety really possessing distinctive charms and merits is at the time overlooked, and in consequence ever after neglected. This would appear to be true as regards the Rose now figured in the accompanying plate, and, moreover, this appears to have been the fate of many of Nabonnand's Roses, as he has raised many kinds, but few of them are to be found among what we regard as the best varieties. As Tea Roses, however, are more extensively grown, and for other purposes than that of show alone, some of the older varieties may be sought after, and amongst them Mme. Nabonnand. The flowers of this variety are characteristically depicted in the plate, but in colour they are exceptionally rich, being in this respect, like some other Teas, subject to a pleasing variation. A flesh-pink, shaded with coppery rose, is the colour usually seen. The buds are fuller and the expanded flowers much more double than those of some of the popular kinds that are considered indispensable at the present day. This Rose must not be confounded with Mme. A. Nabonnand, which is from the same raiser, but of more recent origin. Mme. A. Nabonnand which I noticed last year in one of the great Rose nurseries appears worthy of more than passing notice. It is distinct and very free, the flowers being of a pale flesh colour, the bud large and long, but globular, and the expanded blooms fine and full, with a more than ordinary amount of sweetness. There is distinctiveness between the flowers of the two kinds, but with names so similar a mistake might easily be made, and therefore it will be a guide to have a description of the two kinds for future reference. M. Nabonnand has at last, however, raised a Rose destined to live long in our gardens, and one that of itself would alone suffice to keep his name in remembrance. I allude to the Rose L'Ideal. We have nothing like it either among dwarf or climbing Teas, and to the climbing section it is a most valuable addition, and a Rose that will doubtless be largely planted, as the colour combination in its flowers is practically unique. A. H.
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