'AUSwill' rose Reviews & Comments
For KBW: One of your photo show lighter pink William Morris, and the other photo shows darker pink. Is there a difference in fertilizer, rain vs. tap water, or is it from colder temp.? Thank you.
StrawChicago 5a I think the major difference is due to temp though the deficiency / abundance of certain minerals can also affect the shade. I will try to edit my photos (if I can) and put the dates on which that photo was taken. That will give you an idea that during cooler months, the shade was dark and during hot months, the shades were lighter. Also, I achieved the darkest colour in Jan this year when it was the coldest part of the year and I was regularly using wood ash (Ca, K and lots of trace elements). So I am not sure.... may be it's a bit of both. However, one thing is certain, I haven't been able to achieve darker shades in warm / hot months. Hope it is of some help.
Thank you !! I bought William Morris as own-root, and it HATED dense peaty potting soil with acidic rain. This rose likes it loamy & slightly alkaline. I should had mixed more perlite or coarse sand in the potting soil. This rose definitely likes good drainage & loamy soil.
I planted this rose to climb up a pergola between to Sombreuil planted on either end. William Morris dutifully climbed up, shooting up large, rather stiff and heavily armed canes. From these may branches emerged and lovely coppery pink flowers came in flushes throughout the season. The flowers lasted a long time, but did not clean well and had to be deadheaded to avoid looking at brown mummies. The blooms were scentless, but very charming as they nodded down from their rather weak necks.
You will not the past tense in my description. That is because William Morris, like it's parent Abraham Darby, proved a martyr to rust. The plant simply became a giant rusty mess and had to be removed. The thorns put up a fight as it headed to the compost bin, but I was not sorry to see it go. Since it's removal, other roses in the garden have not suffered from rust as much. William Morris was a sort of "Typhoid Mary" for rust, apparently. Therefore, despite it's other good points and the charm of it's flowers, I cannot recommend it to anyone by my worst enemy.
Initial post
21 JAN 06 by
In my garden this rose is essentially pink, not apricot, has very little fragrance and is very stingy with its bloom. It is a vigorous, disease resistant plant.
#1 of 1 posted
15 MAR 07 by
Unregistered Guest
I found that it was a cross between pink and apricot...just what I wanted. Too small to tell about the other aspects of your comment.