'Alister Clark' rose References
Book (3 Dec 2009) ‘Alister Clark’. F, lp, 1999, Newman, Laurie; flowers 3-3½ in., full, borne in small clusters, intense fragrance; foliage small, dark green, glossy; prickles moderate; spreading, medium (3 ft.) growth. [sport of Marjory Palmer]. Introductions: Reliable Roses, 1990.
Book (2007) Page(s) 48. Laurie Newman. …..Exploration of the times and achievements of this great Australian rosarian give many an insight into the life and times of a great man, and it is not without a tinge of pride, that I may have been responsible for him to be perpetually remembered through ‘Alister Clark', sport of ‘Marjory Palmer’, discovered and named by myself in his honour.
Newsletter (2005) Page(s) 17. Vol 14, No. 3. 'Alister Clark'. Flori. Light pink, 1990. sport. Newman, L.
Website/Catalog (2005) Page(s) 37. [Listed under Alister Clark Roses] 'Alister Clark'. Poly shrub, mid pink, bushy.
Book (2004) Page(s) 62. Includes photo(s). ‘Alister Clark’ Polyantha. Introduced by Newman in Australia in 1990, this rose is a sport of one of Alister Clark’s best roses. It bears clusters of beautiful pink flowers with masses of petals. There is plenty of glossy, green foliage. It is repeat-flowering and has a strong fragrance. It is a good choice for a border as it is spreading and very free-flowering. (Sport of ‘Marjory Palmer’) Zones 6-10.
Book (2000) Includes photo(s). p37 New rose Registrations. 'Alister Clark'. Floribunda. Laurie Newman, 1999
p72 Photo. 'Alister Clark' (Newman). Sport of 'Marjorie Palmer' discovered at Reliable Roses, Silvan, Vic. Transparency: Your garden.
Book (2000) Page(s) 74. Includes photo(s). ‘Alister Clark’ = Polyantha – rose pâle, remontant. …beau feuillage ample et luisant… végétation basse et étalée,… fleurs rose dragée … grandes… Ce rosier rend un bel hommage au plus grand hybrideur australien. Newman, Australie, 1990.
Magazine (Oct 1999) Page(s) 30. Registration Alister Clark, F, lp, 1999, discovered by Newman, Laurie, [sport of Marjory Palmer] ... description
Book (1999) Page(s) 31. Includes photo(s). ‘Alister Clark’, 1990. Colour sport of ‘Marjory Palmer’ (Alister Clark, 1936. ‘Jersey Beauty’ cross). Cluster Flowered Bush rose. Double, slightly fragrant, soft pink flowers, in clusters, fully recurrent. Dark green, smooth foliage, new growth reddish. Flower 50 petals, 80mm. 1 to 9. Bush 0.6m x 1m.
Book (1999) Page(s) 74. Includes photo(s). 'Alister Clark'. Modern, Polyantha, light pink. Repeat-flowering. This lovely little rose occurred as a sport on a bush of ‘Marjory Palmer’ in Victoria, Australia. ‘Marjory Palmer’ had the Rambler ‘Jersey Beauty’ as a parent, and it is from this that ‘Alister Clark’ gets its large, extremely glossy abundant foliage. The bush has a short and very spreading growth habit and the flowers are large for a Polyantha Rose. They come in clusters and have widely flaring outer petals surrounding a center packed with petals. Flowering is continuous and there are no disease problems. Laurie Newman asked the descendants of Alister Clark for permission to name the rose, which was introduced in 1990, after him. This was approved and it is a fitting tribute to Australia’s greatest rose breeder. Zones 4-10. Newman, Australi