'Dick's Delight ™' rose References
Article (magazine) (Sep 2000) Page(s) 72. Dick's Delight (DICwhistle)... a low spreading variety which the breeder, Dickson Nurseries, calls a patio carpet rose. Small pink flowers come in clusters... dark green foliage...
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 125. 'DICwhistle', Min, dp, 1999; (Dick's Delight TM); description; (seedling X The Fairy); Dickson, Colin; Dickson Nurseries, Ltd., 1999
Magazine (Oct 1999) Page(s) 30. Registration
Magazine (1999) Page(s) 89. Vol 93, Part 3. Includes photo(s). Dick's Delight is described as a patio carpenter because of its low spreading habit. It has small, pink flowers and does well in tubs. It has also won a Certificate of Merit. Dick Balfour is seen here receiving his rose from Pat Dickson.
Book (1997) Page(s) 135. Colin Horner, The 1996 Trial Ground Awards in Great Britain. DICwhistle (1551) Ground cover shrub; pink; bears clusters of very many double blooms; growth spreading, 2-4ft. Scent light. Unnamed seedling x 'The Fairy'. Dickson, Northern Ireland. Certificate of Merit