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'Geisha' rose References
Book  (Aug 2002)  Page(s) 42.  
Floribunda 1964
Rated 7.0
Website/Catalog  (4 Jan 1999)  Page(s) 41.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 188.  Includes photo(s).
Geisha ('Pink Elizabeth Arden') Cluster-flowered. Mathias Tantau 1964. Description... One of the loveliest of pink roses, with a soft color set off by dark stamens... When Mathias Tantau introduced it in 1964, he wanted to call it 'Elizabeth Arden', but there was already a white Large-flowered Rose of that name. 'Pink Elizabeth Arden' was not really apt, as the two roses do not resemble each other at all, so 'Geisha' it became. Parentage undisclosed
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 202.  
Geisha® Floribunda, pink, 1964, ('Pink Elizabeth Arden'); tantau, Math. Description.
Website/Catalog  (1967)  Page(s) 53-54.  Includes photo(s).
Geisha Art. N. 110563 Novità Tantau - var. TANge 0066. Marchio internazionale dep. n. 290934 – La caratteristica che rende questa rosa unica al mondo in questo genere è rappresentata dai boccioli di color rosa carminio delicato, che in piena fioritura si trasformano in uno splendente rosa puro. E’ una varietà che darà molte soddisfazioni e che merita un posto di primo piano nel giardino sia per la rusticità della pianta che per la bellezza dei fiori. (Foto pag. 53)
Book  (1966)  Page(s) 23.  
Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. 
Geisha Floribunda. ('Pink Elizabeth Arden'), (M. Tantau) This variety was sent out to us from England as 'Pink Elizabeth Arden', which is a most confusing name, as it is a new seedling rose, and the variety 'Elizabeth Arden' is still grown here in Australia. In this case we have reverted to the name given and registered by the raiser. It is a very beautiful variety, one of the loveliest pink Floribundas we have ever grown. It is paler than 'Dearest', but deeper than 'Pink Chiffon'. Very good clusters which last well, and show a lovely centre when fully open. Does not spot or spoil with rain, and it is a neat, low, compact, and bushy plant. A very welcome addition. Please do not confuse this rose with the yellow 'Geisha Girl' by S. McGredy.
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