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'September Morn' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 160-678
most recent 18 FEB 24 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 FEB 24 by odinthor
"Our Sensational New Light Pink Rose. Growth of the very strongest of any H. T. yet disseminated, throwing long, strong canes in rapid succession, 2 to 4 feet long; does not require pinching and will produce more high grade blooms than any Rose known. Buds very large and finely formed, opening well into large, full, double flowers of magnificent size and form; a wonderful keeper, lasting over a week after fully open, and retaining its color and fragrance, which is without question the sweetest found in any rose. The petals are large and of splendid substance, waved or undulated on the edges, giving the bloom a very beautiful and distinct appearance. The color is an exquisite shade of light flesh pink on the outer petals, shading to pure rose pink in the center, with a faint touch of deep golden-yellow at the very base of the petals. Without doubt the most rapturously beautiful color in a commercial rose, selling on sight and called for repeatedly, owing to its splendid keeping qualities and distinct coloring. We have this season 10,000 of it planted for cut flowers, and it has given the most gratifying returns of any rose we have grown. Foliage large, ample and not subject to mildew or spot. A splendid all-year-round rose, giving good returns every day in the year. Does not get soft in extremely hot weather, and will be found indispensable where high grade blooms are in demand during the hot months. We are propagating from select wood only, insuring good, strong, sturdy plants that will give maximum results. Own root stock only, from 2 1/2-in. pots, $30.00 per 100; $250.00 per 1000; 5000 for $1000.00." Introducer's ad in Florists' Review issue of January 28, 1915, p. 81.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 17 FEB 24 by Patricia Routley
Was there a rose name mentioned anywhere in the advertisement please Brent?
And who was the introducer?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 18 FEB 24 by odinthor
Yes, it's under the heading of 'September Morn', and the introducer is the firm of Dieterich & Turner, Henry W. Turner being the public face of the rose part of the firm. The ad with the quote is from a couple of years after the rose was introduced.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 18 FEB 24 by Patricia Routley
Thank you Brent. Reference added.
Discussion id : 79-524
most recent 18 JUL 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 JUL 14 by Robert D.
We purchased this one mail order, and received a healthy, but very small, plant. Its first months were spent growing with no sign of blooms, but all of a sudden there were a number of buds. They bloomed beautifully, and smelled incredible. Once that first cycle was done, this rose has bloomed in frequent, small flushes. The roses are lovely and scented deliciously. They last much longer than you might expect, and we just love them. Would not want to be without at least one of these in our garden. Give it a try. Gorgeous!
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