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'Bronze Star ™' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 135-583
most recent 7 DEC 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 DEC 22
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
Discussion id : 135-582
most recent 7 DEC 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 DEC 22
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
Discussion id : 134-903
most recent 26 OCT 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 OCT 22 by GardenGlimpses
A uniquely beautiful rose that has become one of my favorites. Bronze Star’s color varies from an especially deep apricot bronze to the most vivid orange imaginable. It’s every bit that hard-to-obtain tangerine that’s sometimes found on Vavoom, Gingersnap or New Year, but on a huge magnificent HT bloom. Consider that those floribundas usually finish in a blotchy mess while Bronze Star maintains beautiful coloring from it’s long elegant bud to huge open center flower. Fragrance has been consistently strong , while most of the others in the color class have none. It could repeat faster, there could be more blooms per flush, certainly the parent Just Joey, one of the heaviest blooming HTs, blooms far more. But Bronze Star is still consistent in providing flushes of big , high quality blooms in the most luminous color with very nice scent. Some roses are heavy workhorse bloomers that I hardly notice in the garden. But I find the bloom so special that I’d keep the plant around if it just produced one bloom a year!
Discussion id : 126-624
most recent 27 MAY 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 MAR 21 by Sherrose 10a CA Hot and Dry Inland
Bronze Star is definitely one of my Top 10 favorite bushes out of about 300 that I’ve tried! I have it in a full sun location all day. However, I do give it and the other roses next to it in the garden a little watering down every morning by 8AM in the hot months from late June until November. This makes a huge difference in the health of my my bushes! Just spraying them down like this hydrates them and results in no issues with thrips or spider mites on any of my plants. It is my favorite Rose in the yellow and yellow/orange category. This is why:
1. It blooms and repeats better than just about any bush I have - even in the 100’s temps! Desert temps and in winter it rarely ever even gets down to 32 degrees.
2. It usually stays between 5 and 5 and a half feet tall -perfect for sniffing.
3. The fragrance is Medium-Strong Tea. It’s never as strong as the strongest fragrances but the fragrance is ALWAYS THERE despite the heat.
4. The foliage is super healthy and full so it doesn’t get sunburned like most of my other bushes.
5. The size of the stems varies completely depending on how much water you give it (by drip system every other day is good in the 100 temps but let it drip a half hour or more each time) and a mulch of 3” is necessary too. So, if the stems are shorter than you’d like, just water more.
6. It has these beautiful kind of lacy edges to the petals.
7. It is in most of the bouquets that I cut for people because it blooms all the time! However, the downside is that it tends to last about 4 days in a vase as compared to some varieties that will last a week in the vase. When I give rose bouquets to people, it is often the first one that they ask the name of it because the color of that rich golden orange that ages to a bright, gorgeous yellow is Stunning!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 27 MAY 22 by GardenGlimpses
Thank you for the very detailed review. I’m in inland No. California myself and just bought a nice plant of Bronze Star, your review provides so much good info on what to expect. I think you are so right, in dry climates rose foliage loves a good soak. How is the repeat on this variety?
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