Book (2002) Page(s) 28. Rated 5.8
Book (2000) Page(s) 135. ‘Butterscotch’/JACtan = Grimpant à grande fleur. Caramel au beurre: son nom décrit son coloris, orangé clair ombré de brun-fauve… boutons ronds… corolles bien pleines en coupe floue, au parfum doux… Vigoureux et bien ramifié… feuillage satiné, vert moyen… aisé à palisser… Warriner, US 1986.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 135. Butterscotch (JACtan) Large-flowered Climber. Warriner (USA) 1986. Description... light orange with a tan overlay...
Book (Mar 1995) Page(s) 94. Includes photo(s). Butterscotch (JACtan) Climber. Warriner (USA) 1986. Description... a novelty climber... the entire mustard spectrum from yellow to gray to brown... also a good grower, but may need winter protection... it was a favorite of its creator, but not a commercial success...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 265. JACtan Large-flowered Climber, tannish-orange, 1986, ('Butterscotch'); ('Buccaneer' x 'Zorina') x 'Royal Sunset'; Warriner. Description.