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'HORcojones' rose References
Book  (2010)  Page(s) 134.  
Ysanne  Horner in collaboration with Heather Horner and Calvin Horner.  Not a Flash in The Pan.   In Memory of Colin Horner (1933-2005).
In 2002 Colin won his second Gold Medal from the International Trial Grounds at St. Albans. This was for HorJones [Anna Ford x (seedling x Blessings x Rosa moyesii fargesii])], which was later given the name Beverly Ann.  It is a floribunda, growing to about 3 feet in the United Kingdom with dark green foliage and a bushy form. The cerise-purple HT blooms appear in small clusters throughout the summer and have a lovely fragrance. Beverly Ann is a first rate rose being one of the best roses for disease resistance ever produced by Colin. It is used extensively in breeding for this and other qualities and grown by many amateurs for this purpose who "have never seen anything on it", meaning no disease.  Beverly Ann is an award-winning rose in its own right and one day it would be good to see it grown in gardens throughout the world.
Article (magazine)  (Oct 2000)  Page(s) 34.  
HORcojones (Beverly-Ann) Floribunda; Colin P. Horner.
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