'Universal Favorite' rose References
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 326. Universal Favorite ('Double Pink Memorial Rose') Wichuraiana. Horvath/Manda & Pitcher, 1899. Rosa wichuraiana x either 'American Beauty' or (less likely) some Polyantha such as 'Mignonette'... Pink... Delicate lilac and pure white... China pink... It's a cross of Wichuraiana and 'American Beauty'. Honorable Mention by the New York Horticultural Society... One of the four original Wichuraina hybrids... a trailer... Foliage black-spots very slightly in mid-summer... listed in the California Nursery Company catalog of 1897...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 619. Universal Favorite Rambler, Flowers soft rose [mp], 1898, R. wichuraiana x 'Pâquerette'; Horvath, W.A.; Manda... [flowers] borne in large clusters...
Article (misc) (2 Mar 1945) Page(s) 169. Some of the Wichuraiana varieties which had been improperly credited to W.A. Manda were rather the results of [M.H. Horvath's] efforts... for example 'Evergreen Gem' and Universal Favorite...
Magazine (Dec 1939) Page(s) 103-104. Vol 3, No. 6. In a letter written to Secretary Hatton on August 16, 1939, Mr. Horvath, who had in the meantime looked up his old records, wrote thus:
"It was not in New Jersey where I was employed by the firm of Pitcher & Manda (also known as United States Nurseries) but after leaving P. & M., from where I went to Newport, R. I., that the birth of the Wichuraiana hybrids occurred. It was while I was absent from Newport, leaving my plants in charge of V. Vanicek, a friend of W. A. Manda, that the original hybrid plants were given to him, thus finding their way into commerce. Corrections may now be made, because I have found the record of the missing pollinate parent of the two pink hybrids. R. Wichuraiana X Agrippina gave two crosses, including Pink Roamer and South Orange Perfection. Two others, Manda's Triumph and Universal Favorite, resulted from crossing R. Wichuraiana X Paquerette, a small imbricate-petaled dwarf white Polyantha.
Book (1936) Page(s) 253. Favourite, Universal (hybrid wichurana) Manda 1898; R. Wich. X Am. Beauty; pink, climbing habit
Book (1936) Page(s) 720. Universal Favorite (hybrid wichurana) Manda 1899; Wich. X Am. Beauty; porcelain-pink
Magazine (1929) Page(s) 68. Universal favourite, fleur pleine, lilas tendre, à centre blanc.
Website/Catalog (1914) Page(s) 7. Hybrid wichuranas. Universal Favorite. Double, porcelain-pink, small
Website/Catalog (1913) Page(s) 62. Wichuraiana Hybrid Roses Universal Favorite This popular variety is also called the Double Pink Memorial Rose, and has been known for many years. The blossoms are soft rose, with a I decided fragrance. They appear in profusion, are double to the center, and are borne in large clusters. The plant grows vigorously, and is entirely hardy. The foliage is dark and handsome, and persists with verdure and beauty until early winter.
Website/Catalog (1913) Page(s) 51. Rosiers hybrides de Wichuraïana.... Universal Favourite. Fl. pl., beau rose porcelaine.