'AUSmas' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
7 NOV 20
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I would assume that the rose was named for Graham Stuart Thomas, 1909 - 2003, English horticulturalist and author. But I appreciate the biographical work Viviane Schussele has done for other rose names.
#2 of 2 posted
20 FEB 22 by
Amy E
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Graham Thomas described; I think more than once, how he came to select the rose to bear his name. For example, in the introduction to David Austin's book, The Heritage of the Rose, 1988, p. 12
"...a few of them may be named and may prove a success, such as 'Mary Rose' and my own namesake. It is interesting to recall that the latter was the only rich soft yellow amongst hundreds of seedlings. But on looking back one can see that it has ever been a rare colour..."
Initial post
14 APR 20 by
G. Thomas is one of a few David Austin "New English Roses" i have found to be worthwhile in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region. Zone 8b. 56 " rain much of it typically in the winter. I have it on its own roots, ~10 years old. Tendency to get leggy unless judiciously pruned. Will climb or can be pruned as a 5-6 ft shrub. Will also cover a wall if offered support such as trellis or wires and good nutrition. One of only three, of the half dozen i have tried that does well here. The others are "The Pilgrim", and "Gertrude Jekyll" the latter is outstanding here if pruned back each year fairly hard and a very important Austin introduction as it is a perfect replacement for the great rose Comte de Chambord which struggles here due to disease.
Available from - Old Market Farm www.oldmarketfarm.com
After four years of fighting mildew--in dry southern California--- I am ready to shovel prune this giant. Nothing I have tried gets rid of the mildew. It's in full sun, is huge (six feet by six feet) and blooms constantly. Due to the mildew, leaves and blooms are stunted and unattractive. Suggestions please.
Powdery mildew may be exacerbated by dry soil (too far from spray heads, next to tree roots, etc), but I'm not positive on this (sorry). Heavy feeding with nitrogen may also exacerbate mildew, altho I'm not certain. Based on the 2 plants I've seen in southern California, Graham Thomas is moderately/slightly susceptible to mildew.
In my response you would think I'm a lawyer, but it's just hard to pinpoint causes/solutions to PM.