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'Mrs. Henry Morse' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 75-839
most recent 2 JAN 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 JAN 14 by Eric Timewell
Alister Clark addressing the National Rose Society of Victoria, 18 December 1924:
"In England roses which were suited to the climate did particularly well. A special feature was made of bedding roses and he would always remember the excellent beds of roses at the homes of Mrs Henry Morse and Lady Pirrie."—The Argus, 19 December 1924, page 11.
Discussion id : 71-331
most recent 2 MAY 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 MAY 13 by Eric Timewell
Henry Morse was born in 1859 and grew up in Eaton, which was then a village on the outskirts of Norwich. Early in his working life, he left his birthplace to find employment in Northampton. … He came back to Norwich with a wife, five children and a desire to succeed. … Eventually, with sufficient funding, Henry was able to work independently and Henry Morse Rose Growers came into being. The first premises was Westfield Nursery at Eaton. All three sons, Ernest, William and Frederick were involved in the family business …
From "The Book of Brundall & Braydeston" 2007, Brundall Local History Group. ISBN 978 1 84114 630 0.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 2 MAY 13 by Patricia Routley
Thank you Eric. We have added your information to Henry Morse breeder's page.
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