'TUCkpuzzle' rose Reviews & Comments
I see a lot of people thinking that this is the same rose as Conundrum. I have both side by side, they are different. Summer Night has more petals and the foliage is reddish when new.
#1 of 3 posted
15 MAY 08 by
Could you both pictures of your 'Conundrum' and 'Summer Night' to illustrate the differences?
#2 of 3 posted
18 MAY 08 by
Unregistered Guest
I live in Massachusetts. There is no bloom here until late June. I did not take pictures last year but will this year and try to put on website. I am not sure how to do it.
#3 of 3 posted
18 MAY 08 by
Carol T
I did not take any pictures of them last year. I had them side by side and have markers next to each so I don't any of my more than 200 roses confused. The Conundrum that is next to Summer NIght looks dead now. But I have two other Conundrums that are fine. I will take pictures in June when they bloom.
I am giving the Conundrum that looks dead time because we've had a colder than usual April and May. It may be alive. If it were dead, it would come out in my hand, it doesn't.