'JACadnof' rose Reviews & Comments
Interesting, I can relate to most of the negative comments about this rose.. It has a nice first flush of blooms, but then after deadheading,, absolutely nothing! It was like she went into a semi-dormancy. Dianne of Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden, suggested more water. She flood irrigates, as I have a sprinkler system and additionally water with hose. After watering her 3-4 times more than usual, I saw a definite improvement of new growth and blooms. She is a water hog! She wasn't worth the extra watering time as all the roses around her grew and bloomed just fine. I eventually gave her to a friend, telling her the rose needed to be planted where it would get LOTS of water, which she did, and the rose is doing great.
Interesting comments, I must say. My plant seems to be continually blooming with very large roses, quite appropriate for the huge plant. To me the scent is just moderate, but my nose isn't the best so it takes an exceptionally fragrant rose before I smell it as "strong". This rose is a definite keeper for me (in spite of the less-than-perfect form). Perhaps the hot, dry summers here are good for it, or maybe it needs the hard pruning I give it?
Initial post
18 JAN 12 by
AGREE WITH JEFFREY!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the FIRST AND ONLY ROSE I EVER "SHOVEL PRUNED." EVER. I was just so frustrated! For two years I had two plants here in 6a, Columbus. They both grew cylindar narrow and super tall----easily 6 feet by the fall. Blooms? Are you kidding me? ALMOST NONE. When they did deign to appear they were too small for the stem and plant, blew open in 12 hours, faded, and worst of all? Where is the scent? Mine were not scentless per se but hardly was the scent fitting of the name! Didn't we already as a rose community pick and then pan Buccaneer and Allspice? Didn't they ALSO grow like weeds and never bloom? How did this one get on the market, how is the first AARS rating 7.5???? Yes, probably THE biggest disappointment considering how far yellow has come and how much fragrance is back around............
Absolutely one of the worst roses I have ever grown! While the plant is very large and vigorous, it gets only a few flowers which last for a day or so. It's alot of plant for not alot of flowering. The flowers have poor form, too. It's also a favorite pest target, so they eat what few flowers it gets. I think I may get rid of this one this year. The plant itself is so big and healthy that I keep waiting for some decent flowers. I think it's time for me to just give up.