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'JACwypin' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 121-546
most recent 13 MAY 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 MAY 20 by drossb1986
I planted this rose early this spring. I see some comments here on blackspot issues with it, but I have yet to have any. Although, I have kept the blackspot at bay in general so far this year. That being said, I find the blooms a much brighter shade of pink than what I see in most of the photos here. The blooms aren't giant...I'd say very average for a hybrid tea. All in all, I'm pleased with the purchase so far.

2021 Update: I'll keep this short and sweet. In Houston, TX a total blackspot magnet. Blooms are somewhat smaller than I expected. The color is gorgeous. But, good lord the blackspot!
Discussion id : 10-455
most recent 27 SEP 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 6 NOV 05 by KathleenGinMI
I had a terrible blackspot problem with this rose. The blooms did not last very long.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 27 SEP 09 by John Moody
Thanks to all who reported the Blackspot with Change of Heart!!
I was thinking of ordering bareroot for next spring. I have had my fill of BS this year and am not about to bring in another roses that is prone to blackspot, even if they are beautiful like this one appears to be.
This kind of info is so important to all of us and I am glad that folks are reporting these issues with roses.
Thanks for saving me a headache!!
Discussion id : 20-273
most recent 11 JUL 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 JUL 07 by Wendy C
Change of Heart is a new addition to my garden. It unfortuately had to endure a lack of water after it was planted, due to an oversight on my part. I feared I'd lost it, but I've been very pleased with its vigor thus far. The blooms are well formed and long lasting on the bush.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 11 JUL 07 by HMF Admin

Specific plant photos should really be uploaded to the rose page as photos included in a Q&C post are limited to just the post and will not be included when one displays the photos for the rose.

The photo upload for Q&C posts is really intended more for including a photo which specifically applies to the post. For example, including a photo demonstrating a pest or disease problem.

Ideally, you should be able to have your photo appear both in your post and the rose's photo page. That's something we're working on as well as having photo comments appear on the Q&C tab of a rose.

Most of all, thanks for your continued support and participation with HMF. If only more site guests were as generous with their experience and insight HMF would be and even better tool than it currently is.

Of course you other alternative is to post these comments along with your photo when you upload it using the roses photos upload.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 11 JUL 07 by Wendy C
Somehow I thought they loaded to both the post and photo page. Sorry about that. I'll be more mindful. I certainly don't want to cause more work for you.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 11 JUL 07 by HMF Admin
That's the way it should be. We'll take care of it. Thanks again.
Discussion id : 12-180
most recent 10 JAN 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 10 MAY 06 by MPAgent
Despite J & P's claims that it has "good disease resistance", this rose is a black spot magnet!  Of the more than 150 different rose cultivars I grow, Change of Heart are the ONLY ones that have BS, despite my spray regimen.  They not only have BS, they are covered with it!  I'm bringing out the shovel!
Reply #1 of 2 posted 10 MAY 06 by HMF Admin
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience, your comments are very helpful to others, including J & P.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 10 JAN 07 by Southern Senses
Indeed, in the two seasons I tried to grow the plant from a bare root, it could never keep any leaves on it because of endless black spot infections. It has been 'retired' now, which is unfortunate since I love roses exhibiting reverse coloring.
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