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'Decwhirl' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 153-643
most recent 24 OCT 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 OCT 23 by ParisRoseLady
Available from - High Country Roses
Discussion id : 31-829
most recent 23 NOV 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 NOV 08 by Mike Anders
I've had this plant just 1 year. So far, it's been as advertised; growing straight up (3 ft. this first year). Maybe it will spread a little with maturity, but not so far. The blooms last very well, but I find if I cut them too early, they don't open properly. In the hot weather (I'm in muggy, swampy New Orleans) the color has a distinct greenish cast; not to my liking. In cooler months, the color is a pure snowy white. The bloom form is excellent exhibition and lasts well cut. At least in the cooler weather, bloom size is definitely more than 2 inches, easily 2 and a half--floribunda-bloom-size. It doesn't have a hint of fragrance, but its overall health, reliable bloom production, and excellent florist-rose form make it a keeper for me.
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