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'BAIpome' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 159-815
most recent 2 JAN 24 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 JAN 24 by A Rose Man
This cultivar is listed as diploid in the paper 'Pollen diameter and guard cell length as predictors of ploidy in diverse rose cultivars, species, and breeding lines'
Discussion id : 104-528
most recent 14 AUG 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 AUG 17 by NorthWestRider
Vance Whitaker wrote roses he used as parents
had different abilities to transmit this
broad based resistance to their
seedlings. ‘Lena’, ‘Pink Gnome’,
‘Prairie Princess’, and ‘Folksinger’
were some of the best for being able to
transmit this type of resistance of black spot
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