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'Bishop's Castle' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 27-364
most recent 16 AUG 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 JUN 08 by Unregistered Guest
Love, love, love this rose. My sister and I both planted one last year and we had equal success with non stop blooms all summer in our zone 5 gardens. I love it so much that I just bought one for my non rose growing friend to try to enable her! She said she has tons of blooms too and can't keep her nose out of them!
Reply #1 of 2 posted 13 MAY 09 by anonymous-272483
Seconded. I love this rose- it blooms and blooms and the fragrance is to die for.
It is another of those Austin roses that I think might turn into a climber- It throws out long, arching canes. The pink color is very deep and tends toward a lavender-ish pink I think. Reminds me of a slightly darker Gertrude Jekyll.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 16 AUG 22 by MiGreenThumb
Neat! I find Bishop's Castle to be a much lighter and softer pink than Gertrude Jekyll. GJ is famed for her rich, Pepto pink. I don't find BC to be darker at all. Much lighter, in fact. It's got to be a soil/climate thing!
Discussion id : 124-132
most recent 1 DEC 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 DEC 20 by eihblin
Is this rose available in Europe?
Discussion id : 112-573
most recent 9 AUG 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 AUG 18 by Nola Z5a WI
Just informational, David Austins website lists Bishop's Castle as zone 5-10.
Discussion id : 38-511
most recent 8 AUG 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 AUG 09 by monimoni
The Bishop is in the garden, (no not walking, i wish) he just growing. I love this rose, this David Austin variety caught my eye while rose surfin. It was a J&P purchase, bareroot. it has taken off quickly, bushy growth habit. but because mine are still young, i have the bent neck. So some support is needed until the plant is older. A support such as a lattice fence or trelis would be a help for a bush such as this. The blooms are petal packed, opens to a flat fluffly button type rose. ruffled. The color is to me a mixure of a pink/lavendar/lilac resulting in a rasberry type color. Unusal but very beautiful. I have just noted a scent from it today, very nice scent (medium) perfumee. Very disease resistant. It also has remain free from pest that seem to bother my other roses, (maybe its the Bishop and Pope John Paul watchin over my garden keeping those pest away)!!!
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