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'Rosa fedtschenkoana Regel' rose References
Book  (28 Sep 2017)  Page(s) 39.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa fedtschenkoana [Fig.10] Discovered in 1871, a native of the Amu Darya watershed [pp. 38- 42] the Tien Shan, and the Pamir-Alai, extending into North West China. Deciduous, forming a bushy and suckering shrub up to 2.5 metres high and as much across. The remontant flowers are white, up to 5 cm across, and are borne singly, or in small clusters, at the tips of the branches. The flowers ‘scent like blackberry jam’. Flowers are followed by small, pear- shaped, bristly orange-red fruits.
Book  (2015)  Page(s) 150.  
Dr. Jacinta Burke.   Damask Roses,
.....The contribution of R. Fedtschenkoana in the parentage of the four Damask varieties may help explain the morphological characteristics of the four Damask varieties......
Book  (2013)  Page(s) 216.  
Rosa fedtschenkoana Regel - Rosaceae
Synonyms: Rosa caraganifolia Sumn., Rosa coeruleifolia Sumn., Rosa epipsila Sumn., Rosa lavrenkoi Sumn., Rosa lipschitzii Sumn., Rosa minusculifolia Sumn., Rosa oligosperma Sumn.
English name: Fedtschenko's rose
Russian name:Шиповник феченко, Роза феченко (Shipovnik Fedchenko, Roza Fedchenko)
Uzbek name: Namatak
Kyrgyz name: феченко ит мурун (Fedchenko it murun)
Description: Shrub, 2-3(-6) m tall. Branches prickly; prickles yellowish, firm, straight, expanded at the base, up to 13 mm long. Leaves alternate, stipulate, pinnately compound with 5-9 leaflets, 3-4.5 cm long; leaflets 1-2.5 cm long, ovate to elongate-ovate, glabrous, margins serrate. Flowers 3-9 cm in diameter, solitary or in groups of 3-4. Sepals 5, lanceolate, pubescent above, glandular below. Petals 5, white or pink, broad-obovate. Fruit a fleshy, red hip, 2-5 cm long, elongate-ovoid, glandular-bristly, with persistent sepals, and containing stony achenes.
Other distinguishing features: Leaflets glabrous. Hip to 5 cm long, densely glandular-bristly.
Phenology: Flowers in June-August, fruits in July-September.
Reproduction: By seeds.
Distribution: All provinces of Kyrgyzstan; Toshkent, Farg'ona, Samarqand, Qashqadaryo and Surxondaryo provinces of Uzbekistan.
Habitat: In forest glades, among bushes.
Population status: Common, found in small groups.
Traditional use: Fruits are widely used as a tonic, choleretic, and as a remedy for scurvy. An infusion of the fruits with honey is usec to treat upper respiartory colds and coughs. A decoction of the roots is drunk to treat diarrhea. A decoction of the leaves is taken to treat dysentery and as a diuretic (Khodzimatov 1989). The hips from this and related species are used to prevent scurvy and avitaminosis, to treat arteriosclerosis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, and gastrointestinal diseases, particularly with reduced bile production (Altimishev 1991). Oil of rose is used externally to treat cracked and injured nipples of breast feeding women, bedsores, trophic ulcers of the shins, and dermatosis (Muravyova 1978). The fruits are used to treat lung tuberculosis, diphteria, scarlet fever, flu, and sore throat (Zakordonets 1953).
Documented effects: The fruits of this species are an official source of polyvitamins. Preparation (extracts, syrups, candies, pills, etc.) are used [to] treat hypo- and avitaminosis (particularly vitamin C deficiency) as well to treat diseases related to vitamin deficiency. The fruits are used as a component in an anti-asthmatic mixture. Oil from the seeds is used to treat burns, dermatosis, and radiation exposure. Ascorbic acid and oil extract Karotolin (containing carotenoids, vitamin E, and linolic acid) are isolated from the pericarp. Karotolin is used to treat trophic skin ulcers, eczema, erythrodermia, and other skin diseases (Khalmatov et al. 1984).
Phytochemistry: Fruits contain vitamins C, E, B2, K, carotene, organic acids (malic and citric), sugars, flavonoids, pectins, and tannins. Seeds contain up to 37% fatty oil (Tolmachev 1976; Khodzimatov 1989). The flowers were found to contain glycosides of quercetin, kaempferol, cyanidin, and peonidin (Mikanagi et al. 1995).
Magazine  (2007)  Page(s) 10-17.  Includes photo(s).
In an article entitled Rethinking the Reblooming Damasks, Rev. Doug Seidel explains how three Japanese geneticists established that Rosa fedtschenkoana , a reblooming species, was a forbear of the reblooming Damasks, having been crossed as follows:
(R. moschata x R. gallica) x R. fedtschenkoana. Rev. Seidel outlines a case for the origin of the reblooming damasks in the Persian empire dating to the first half millenium B. C.
Book  (1 May 2003)  
Rosa fedtschenkoana Regel, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada. 5: 314. 1878.
腺果蔷薇 xian guo qiang wei
Shrubs large, to 6 m tall. Branchlets terete, prickly; prickles yellowish, straight, to 7 mm, rigid, gradually tapering to broad base. Leaves including petiole 3–4.5 cm; stipules mostly adnate to petiole, free parts lanceolate or ovate, margin glandular-pubescent, apex acute; rachis and petiole glabrous or sparsely glandular-pubescent; leaflets usually 7, rarely 5 or 9, suborbicular or ovate, glabrous, leathery, abaxially with prominent veins, base subrounded or broadly cuneate, margin simply serrate, entire near base, apex rounded-obtuse. Flowers solitary, sometimes 2–4 and fasciculate, 3–4 cm in diam.; pedicel 1–2 cm, stipitate glandular-pubescent; bracts ovate or ovate-lanceolate, margin glandular-pubescent, apex caudate or acute. Hypanthium ovoid, stipitate glandular, rarely glabrous. Sepals 5, lanceolate, abaxially stipitate glandular, adaxially densely pubescent, apex acuminate. Petals 5, white, rarely pink, broadly obovate, base broadly cuneate, apex erose. Styles free, shorter than stamens, pubescent. Hip deep red, oblong or ovoid, 1.5–2 cm in diam., densely glandular-pubescent, with persistent sepals. Fl. Jul–Aug, fr. Aug–Oct.
Scrub, slopes, stream sides in valleys; 2400--2700 m. Xinjiang [Kazakhstan].
Article (magazine)  (2002)  Page(s) 357.  
Fedchenkovskiy Rose (Rosa fedtschenkoana Regel). This species grows on mountain-steppe and often on stony slopes of muntains. It is a xero-mesophytic, vigorous shrub, 4 m high, with large, straight thorns that are broad and flattened at the base. Compound leaves have seven leaflets, about 4 cm long, almost orbicular or ovate, round-blunt-pointed, glabrous and bluish. Large 9 cm in diameter white flowers are usually borne singly. At the stem end, fruit narrows to a neck and the apex is wide or ovate. The orange-red fruits are 5 cm long, covered by glandular setae, usually glabrous, and contain extremely high levels of ascorbic acid.
Article (magazine)  (2002)  Page(s) 355.  
R. fedtschenkoana (Fedchenkovskiy rose). Distribution: Zailiyskei, Kirghiz, Talasskei Alatau, Karatau. Use: Ornamental, medicinal, food plant; easily cultured.
Book  (Mar 1998)  Page(s) 8.  
R. fedtschenkoana from Turkestan... unusually for a wild rose, flowers from spring until the first frost
Book  (Mar 1998)  Page(s) 12.  
R. fedtschenkoana commemorates Madame Fedtschenko
Book  (1998)  Page(s) 140.  
R. fedtschenkoana
A plant of this handsome grey-green foliaged rose was sent from Daisy Hill Nursery in 1890 to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and was subsequently figured in Curtis's Botanical Magazine. It is native in central Asia.
ref: Curtis's Botanical Magazine tab. 7770.
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