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'Talisman, Cl.' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 95-299
most recent 9 OCT 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 OCT 16 by Unregistered Guest
Available from - RVR
Discussion id : 82-229
most recent 27 DEC 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 DEC 14 by Unregistered Guest
Available from - Rogue Valley Roses
Discussion id : 24-291
most recent 24 FEB 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 FEB 08 by Nonee
My husband has fond memories of the "Talisman" & "General McArthur" roses being in his mother's garden. I would like to find them as a surprise (may have a lead) but does anyone know where I can find their history?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 24 FEB 08 by Cass
H, Nonee,

Search for General MacArthur or for Talisman using the ROSE SEARCH menu on the left. When you reach the display page, click the REFERENCE tab, where you will see descriptions and information about each rose from different sources.

There's a lot of information about General MacArthur, in particular, which was quite a famous rose in the early years of the 20th century.
Discussion id : 16-441
most recent 13 JUN 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 31 JAN 07 by beth_a
Where could I buy a Talisman Rose? My mother used them in her wedding in 1950 and I would like to plant some in her yard.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 JUN 07 by CindyH
I bought mine at Home Depot. I thought it was just OK and gave it away to a friend.
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