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'R. X involuta wilsonii' rose References
Article (misc)  (2005)  Page(s) 110, Table 5.1.  
R. wilsonii : diploid [ed. note: probably a misidentified plant or another species, as this ploidy is unlikely and close to impossible for this hybrid rose.]
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 36.  

Rosa wilsoni (R. micrugosa) Large, bright pink flowers on a prickly, bushy plant. Followed by bright red heps. Pre-1900 W. H.  Shade tolerant. (S) 5 x 4’.

Article (magazine)  (1960)  Page(s) 259.  
Rosa x involuta Sm. wilsonii (Borr.) Bak. ...from Mrs. R. Hurst's plant in Horsham, a cutting from the original wild hybrid near Bangor....Borrer's Rosa wilsonii of 1835 is believe to b e a chance hybrid between R. tomentosa Sm. and spinosissima L. (Wylie, 1951-1954...) It is a vigorous hexaploid forming a dense thicket by suckering. Its characters are intermediate between those of the parents with a preponderance of R. tomentosa, which contributed two-thirds of the complement of 42 chromosome.
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 80.  
Wilsonii Borr. (spinosissima x tomentosa) [ploidy] 42
Article (misc)  (1871)  Page(s) 208.  
Rosa involuta var. Wilsoni (Borrer) [includes botanical description] Bank of the Menai, near Bangor...and just the same plant gathered by Dr. Moore at Umbra rocks, co. Derry.

It will be seen by the descriptions that the extreme forms [ed. note: of Rosa x involuta, then known as Rosa involuta] placed here run into one another by very gradual stages. Doniana is like reduced mollissima, with crowded unequal prickles, whilst Wilsoni touches close upon rubella,....
Book  (1848)  Page(s) 164.  Includes photo(s).
R. Wilsoni, Borrer (Wilson's Rose). A slender shrub of 2 to 4 feet high, the branches well furnished with very unequal striaght prickles and glandular setae; leaves of 5-9 ovate hairy leaflets; flowers usually three together, pink; fruit nearly globular, scarlet. - Fl. June and July - England.
Book  (1834)  Page(s) Plate 2723, Vol. 2.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa Wilsoni Wilson's Rose.
Gen. Char. Cal.[yx] urn-shaped, fleshy, contracted at the orifice, terminating in 5 segments. Seeds numerous, bristly, fixed to the inside of the calyx.
Spec. Char. Prickles crowded, unequal, straight, intermixed with setae. Leaflets simply serrated, hairy; their disk eglandulose. Calyx simple. Fruit nearly globular, with a short neck.
Rosa Wilsoni. Borr. in Hook. Brit. Fl. 228.
This beautiful addition to our Roses was discovered by William Wilson, Esq., in July 1826, near Bangor Ferry, on a declivity by the Menai [ed. note: in NE Wales, the Menai being the straits between the island Angelsley and the mainland] where it spreads widely by the root, and forms bushes about three feet high, with slender diffuse branches, and foliage which early acquires a remarkable tinge of red. In general habit it most resembles R. rubella, t. 2521; but the prickles are more unequal, and the large ones considerably dilated at the base, and they are intermixed with a much smaller proportion of gland-tipped setae; the leaflets are larger, broader, and flatter, of a deeper and brighter green, although not shining, and sprinkled with hairs on both sides, but chiefly on the nerves and veins beneath; the flowers....generally solitary or merely in pairs, and are subtended by larger and broader bracteas. The simple serratures and the want of glands on the disk of the leaflets, distinguish it from R. involuta; and the same characters, and the much less dense pubescence, from all the varieties of R. Sabini. Lealets 9 or 7, except on the upper leaves towards the flowers....Stipules dilated towards the points....Flower-stalk setose...Petals...of a beautiful dark pink...Fruit orange-scarlet...
Book  (1830)  Page(s) 228.  
R. Wilsóni, (Wilson's Rose); prickles crowded unequal straight intermixed with setae, leaflets simply serrated hairy, their disk eglandulose, calyx simple, fruit ovato-urceolate.
On a declivity by the Menai, Near Bangor, Mr. W. Wilson....[description similar to that in the Supplement to the English Botany]
In describing this remarkable Rose, which I have never seen alive, I have availed myself of the remarks of its accurate discoverer. He observes further that it is as plentifully supplied with prickles as R. spinosissima, and that the foliage soon acquires a reddish tinge...On the flowering twigs I find the prickles scattered, small, slightly curved...Whatever might be supposed from the spec. char., this plant has no resemblance, in its appearance, to R. spinosissima, but decidely approaches the Roses of the Centifoliae group. Its leaves are somewhat longer than those of R. Sabini, the palnt which it most resembles in calys. Can it be a hybrid production? Mr. Wilson finds several bushes of it, which discourages such an idea. [description by William J. Borrer]
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