'Joanna Millar' rose References
Website/Catalog (6 May 2015) http://www.mediterraneangardensocietyfrance.com/dirG06140.htm
Joanna’s Garden near Tourrettes-sur-Loup. Roses are of great interest here – one in particular originates from La Mortola in Italy, and can be purchased from frenchtearose.com under my name, Joanna Millar . In my garden this rose romps away up a cypress tree - an astounding sight with its many thousands of yellow blossoms in March and April.
Website/Catalog (6 May 2015) http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/09efe80a-a9a0-11e1-9772-00144feabdc0.html
Provençal paradise By Robin Lane Fox. Joanna Millar has a sound background in English country gardening but since 1969 the domain of the old Prieuré in Tourrettes has been her experimental canvas. …. When Joanna and her husband first saw it in 1967….. The site seemed impossible, but “two years and 50 impossible houses later” the Millars were back and bought the place on the rebound…..We sat in the sunshine and discussed the problems of expatriate gardening, limited by a long-term home in nearby Monaco. Joanna Millar has had years of observation and experiment and like me, she began to garden as a young person. Her searches for plants for a Provençal garden soon took her to the famous garden of the Hanbury family at La Mortola beyond Menton. At the time of her visit the garden was at a low point of its care. It was being poorly maintained by the University of Genoa after its Hanbury creators had relinquished control. Joanna walked critically around the declining flowerbeds and noticed a fine climbing rose which she had never seen. She gave in to temptation and stole some stems as cuttings. Like so many visitors to English gardens, she walked out with more on her person than when she went in. The result is a tribute to venial theft. Up one of the cypresses beside her swimming pool grows a superb, single flowered white rose which even the experts cannot identify. It has five fine petals on each flower and on a recent visit the prince of botanists, Martyn Rix, considered it a cross between two celebrated parents, Rosa gigantea and Rosa brunonii. Nobody knows but thanks to Joanna’s theft it is still in cultivation. It died out at La Mortola but its rescuer has saved a parent from which it has been reintroduced.
Website/Catalog (6 May 2015) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giardini_Botanici_Hanbury
The gardens were severely damaged in World War II, when they became a no-man's land and in 1960 Lady Hanbury sold them to the State of Italy. Initially its care was entrusted to the International Institute of Ligurian Studies but when they withdrew for lack of adequate funds in 1983 responsibility was passed to the University of Genoa.
Website/Catalog (5 May 2015) Registered Name: 'Joanna Millar' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Joanna Millar HG, w, 2012, Millar, Mrs. Joanna; flowers 7 cm., single, borne in small clusters, moderate fragrance; foliage medium-size, medium green, semi-glossy; prickles none; growth spreading, tall (10 m.); climber [R. banksiae normalis × R. gigantea]. Introductions: John Hook, 2009, France
Website/Catalog (2012) Website
Joanna Millar, HG, w, 2012, [R. banksiae normalis × R. gigantea], Millar, Mrs. Joanna; flowers 7 cm., single, borne in small clusters, moderate fragrance; foliage medium-size, medium green, semi-glossy; prickles none; growth spreading, tall (10 m.); climber