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'Dame Te Ata' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2 May 2013)  Includes photo(s).
'Dame Te Ata' (SOMmaqueen). 'Dame Te Ata' was bred for the Maori Queen. It was a great honour to be at the ceremony with six hundred guests when our rose named after her was presented. 'Dame Te Ata' has masses of deep purple blooms ageing to lavender tones. The flowers are borne in large clusters throughout the season and have an unforgettable fragrance. Spent blooms self clean helping to make 'Dame Te Ata' an easy care variety. The plant is well clothed in matt green foliage that complements the flowers well. Shrub. Purple. Informal. Flower Size 70mm. Petal Count 20. Height 80 - 90cm. Habit Spreading and compact. Fragrance 5. Disease Resistance Good. Parentage 'Cardinal Hume' x 'Blackberry Nip'. Year of Release 2008. Introducer Glenavon Roses Ltd.
Magazine  (2012)  Page(s) 40.  Includes photo(s).
Photo. 'Dame Te Auta'
Book  (2010)  
p60. John Ford. New Zealand International Rose Trial Ground. Trial 39. 2007-2009
No. 4649. 60.9 points. 'SOMmaqueen'. Floribunda. Breeder Somerfield. Agent Glenavon. Colour purple.

p61. ibid. 'Dame te Atua' SOMmaqueen) had 'Blackberry Nip' colouring and at times appealed, especially in the spring....
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