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Discussion id : 19-018
most recent 23 MAY 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 MAY 07 by Nicole
Hello, I moved from AZ and bought a house in Louisiana last fall. The house "came" with several rose bushes in the front yard. I have NO idea how to care for them. About the end of March they had hundreds of beautiful roses on them. I told my husband we should cut them but he said no leave them. Well now my rose bushes have not bloomed again and seem to have taken a turn for the worse! I don't have the faintest on what to do. Apparently, they must have a fungus on the leaves (learned that from the posts) so I will spray for that. Otherwise can someone give me some basics like how much water and when and what else you need to do. Do I prune now? They are just the normal bush type rose as far as I know.
Discussion id : 18-068
most recent 26 APR 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 17 APR 07 by Guy Sttrong
Do rose bushes need (Iron & Soil Acidifier), to help them grow better?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 18 APR 07 by RoseBlush
It depends on your soil as to whether or not you have to add amendments. I have found that some roses do need a bit of iron added to the soil, but not all.

Reply #3 of 3 posted 26 APR 23 by Citionabous
I agree
Reply #2 of 3 posted 21 APR 07 by Wendy C
I agree with Lyn, not all gardens require adding these amendments. I would test the soil to see if it needs a bit of acid or if it is defiecent in iron.
Discussion id : 17-844
most recent 9 APR 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 APR 07 by mbarnes
My brother in law bought a house and they were going to dig up the existing roses and trash them. I picked them up and planted them in my yard. One of them is huge, it's like 7 feet tall. I am new at this...I haven't ever had roses before. This may come to late but I want to know what to do so that they survive. It had a huge root. We retreived as much of it as we could. I put a time release Miracle grow fertilizer around the base of the rosebush. Since I planted it about 2 days ago the leaves are drooping. Any suggestions to keep it healthy and alive?
Reply #1 of 4 posted 8 APR 07 by Wendy C
Prune the rose back by about a third, and keep it well watered. Other than that there is not much else you can do but wait. It sounds like you have a little bit of transplant shock, which is normal.

Best of luck
Reply #3 of 4 posted 8 APR 07 by Mbarnes
There are hundreds of buds on it. Should I wait to see if they bloom before I cut it back?
Reply #4 of 4 posted 9 APR 07 by Wendy C
The rose needs to direct energy to the roots right now. The buds will likely dry up on you, or not bloom right. It will reward your efforts in a later bloom. I know it's difficult to prune off buds, okay really hard. It's in the plant's best interest at this point to take them off.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 8 APR 07 by RoseBlush
Wendy's advice is right on... water daily. Also, don't feed it until you see new growth. I don't know what the impact of the time released fertillizer will do to the plant. Rose feeder roots are near the surface and many of those will have been lost during the moving process. I generally will only use vitamin B-1 on a newly planted rose to help it through transplant shock. So watering will be very important in helping the plant adjust to its new home and to lessen the impact of the fertilizer.

If you have any wind issues, you may need to protect the canes from drying out.

I wish you the best of luck with your new rose garden.

Discussion id : 11-239
most recent 24 JAN 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 FEB 06 by Sue
My husband left my Valentines Day roses in the truck over night and they don't look good. I think the temp was in the 20's. Any advice on helping them out? All of the stems are bending.
Reply #1 of 7 posted 15 FEB 06 by RoseBlush

I am sorry to tell you that the cell structure of the stem of the rose usually breaks down at 20 degrees or less. You might try putting them in warm water to revive them, but I honestly don't think that will work. Just be happy you have a hubby that remembered to buy you roses.


Reply #4 of 7 posted 18 FEB 06 by Sue
LOL! You were right...they died...thank you!
Reply #5 of 7 posted 19 FEB 06 by HMF Admin
And what about your husband...
Reply #6 of 7 posted 21 FEB 06 by JMorris271
I would give your hubby an A for effort anyway.
Reply #2 of 7 posted 15 FEB 06 by Wendy C
In the truck they should have been somewhat insulated. Did you recut the stems?

Try, under water, recutting the stems and see if they don't rebound.
I'm sorry things didn't go better for him. Good luck
Reply #3 of 7 posted 16 FEB 06 by The Old Rosarian
Fill the sink up with hot water to the touch and emerse the flowers plus stems totally. Cut the stems shorter under the water and place in a vase with 2 drops of bleach and half a teaspoon of sugar. If there is any hope this may revive them.
Reply #7 of 7 posted 24 JAN 07 by Bettyd
I had some good results with this problem, although it doesn't last forever.
I had long stem roses, so I had to look for a very high container. I filled the container to the brim and left the roses "floating" on the surface overnight. The next morning they were as good as gold again, but unfortunately it did not last very long. Only about 2 days!
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