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Discussion id : 27-306
most recent 21 JUN 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 JUN 08 by pam
what information is used for the zone you post on this website? Jackson Perkins list several roses
as zone 5 yet you are stating 6 or 7..I'm confused
Reply #1 of 2 posted 17 JUN 08 by Wendy C
Zone listings can vary. I have some here in zone 5/6 which are listed for 7. I will generally error on the side of caution.

Microclimates make it difficult to say for sure what will do well in a specific area. Hortico has a good zone listing, I've had good luck with the roses they claim to be hardy.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 21 JUN 08 by Cass
The information shown in HelpMeFind is usually derived from the producer of the rose. But for many older roses, such information is based on the experience of rose growers as reported to HMF. If we don't have any reports of hardiness, an educated guess is used depending on the classification of the rose. By all means, if you have experience different from that reported on HMF, feel free to report it. You will be doing a service for other rosarians.

Rose hardiness is not a simple, single-variable concept. Under the USDA hardiness zone scheme, coldest temperature is intrinsically variable. Zone divisions are based on average low temperatures. Marginally hardy roses may have different survival rates through cold winters in the same USDA zone, depending on factors like snow cover, timing of lowest temperatures, and, worst of all, spring freezes.

For example, a rose that consistently survives a Zone 5 winter with ample snow cover (a great insulator and protector) may perish in Zone 6 even if the low temperatures were not as cold as Zone 5 because of bad spring freezes (low temperatures around 15℉/9.5℃, well above the lowest average temperature for Zone 6) that occur just as the rose is breaking dormancy and putting on its vigorous, young, tender spring growth.

One of the best sources of hardiness information is to check the GARDENS tab for a rose to see if any of the gardens listed have a climate similar to your own.
Discussion id : 21-801
most recent 4 OCT 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 OCT 07 by Ronda
This rose continues to amaze me. NO disease and the most beautiful blooms.

The outermost petals fade to the palest pink while the inner petals keep their deep color. The coloration gives the entire rose bush depth. Stunning en masse.

A must have for someone looking for a rewarding low-care rose.

Blooms almost continually in zone 7 even through sustained temps in the 90's.
Discussion id : 21-446
most recent 23 AUG 12 SHOW ALL
Initial post 17 SEP 07 by Chris
Please tell me if you think R. roxburghii is likely to survive in my zone 5 garden. I'd like to try it.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 17 SEP 07 by Cass
I think Roxburghii has a chance, and I'll tell you why. If you go to the Rosa roxburghii f. normalis page and click on the gardens tab, you will see a list of the gardens where it is grown, including: Denver Botanical Garden, The Morton Arboretum outside Chicago and the Arnold Arboretum outside Boston. There is also a private garden in Colorado.

The Morton Arboretum is Zone 5b.
Denver Botanic Garden is Zone 5a
The Arnold Arboretum is Zone 6a (a very lush plant there).
Hygiene, Colorado is Zone 5b

Depending on your zone - - whether 5a or 5b, you have a decent chance of this rose surviving. It wouldn't hurt to give it a little protection for a few winters. Another safeguard is to buy it from a nursery that specializes in winter hardy roses.

Good luck.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 18 SEP 07 by Chris
thank you, it is so different, i do really want try it!
Reply #3 of 3 posted 23 AUG 12 by Don H
I'm curious to know if you ever tried growing roxburghi and, if so, whether it survived? I am in central CT on the state line (5B) and have several roxburghii's that I would like to put in the ground.
Discussion id : 17-579
most recent 2 JUL 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 MAR 07 by Mikayla
Is it possible for the hybrid musk "Ballerina" could grow in zone 4? I'm thinking of planting a few, but I can't find out whether or not it could grow here with winter protection.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 2 JUL 07 by Mikayla
Hey, I'm just refreshing this post to see if I can get an answer. Thanks so much,
Reply #2 of 2 posted 2 JUL 07 by Cass
Hi, Mikayla (love the name, same as my daughter's),
The dumb answer to your question is that yes, it can be grown with winter protection...but the question is how much protection Ballerina will need to perform the way you would like it to. We've all heard of rosarians who perform herculean feats each fall to protect their tender roses - - tipping and burying them under feet of soil, for example. I assume you're planning on own root roses?

Other questions are where do you garden and will you be satisfied with Ballerina as a shrub? Do you have snow cover? Is the winter cold nice and consistently cold, without freakish repeated thaw-freeze-thaw cycles?

If you cannot find a local rose society with a list of hardy roses, my next suggestion is to find a good cold zone rose nursery specializing in hardy roses to check if Ballerina is on its list. I usually check Sam Kadem Roses in Minnesota, for example, or Great Lakes Roses in Michigan (only Zone 5). Great Lakes lists Ballerina as hardy in Zone 5 without protection. I know that's no guarantee of survival in Zone 4, but it's a start. I also check the Canadian Rose Society list of recommended roses. This produces inconsistent results for Ballerina because it isn't on either the Canadian or Sam Kadem lists.

Let's hope someone who knows the answer to your question will post.
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