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Discussion id : 43-012
most recent 7 MAR 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 MAR 10 by anonymous
My About Face broke off at the ground twice last year with beautiful full buds. Should I be staking it?
Discussion id : 37-629
most recent 2 JUL 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 JUN 09 by erlinda
Hi, im from Philippines and i love roses very much. I started a small garden of roses but i dont know how to take care of them. I dont know if they like being under direct sunlight or not, if they like more water or not. I hope you can give me tips on taking care of roses.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 30 JUN 09 by RoseBlush
Welcome to HMF.

HMF is a tool where you can do your own searches for information about a particular rose or a topic. Just going through the Ezine archives, you will find many articles that will help you learn about roses. To start you off, you might want to read the article by Wendy Christy, "A Rose Garden For Everyone / Roses 101" published in the December, 2005 Ezine. (Click EZINE, click the EZINE ISSUE LIST, click the ISSUE DATE arrow, click December 2005 and click on the title of the article.)

You can also do a search of the Q & A archives about plant care and find lots of good information. Or you can do a search of the Q & A archives by just typing in the word "sunlight" in the search field.

The most important piece of advice I was given as a beginner was to let the rose be your teacher. There are a lot of right ways to grow roses.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 2 JUL 09 by erlinda
hi...thanks a lot for giving me some of your time. This will help me a lot. Again thanks for the concern.
Discussion id : 30-432
most recent 19 SEP 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 SEP 08 by Chris
could some kind soul give me directions on how to maintain climbers?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 19 SEP 08 by jedmar
If they are once-blooming climbers, you prune them only very lightly after the summer bloom, taking out dead wood and damaged canes. If they are repeat-flowering, you can be more aggressive at all times (if they grow too tall or wide). Important is to guide the young green canes in the direction you want them to grow; later when the wood hardens, it will be impossible to shape.
Discussion id : 17-593
most recent 6 APR 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 MAR 07 by ETERNALLY GRATEFUL
hi everyone. i have a general question about roses that i hope someone can answer. i recently purchased 3 new roses and am wondering how far to cut the stems back to help them start growing. can anyone PLEASE answer this for me?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 3 APR 07 by Mikayla

If you have already planted the roses, then for now just keep the soil moist. In a couple of weeks you should start to see red buds swelling on the canes. I usually cut the canes back to about three or four inches above the ground. You need to cut the canes right above one of the swelling buds at a slant, so that the lowest point of the cut is facing away from the bud. This will ensure that any sap or liquid that comes out of the cane will drip away from the bud, and not straight onto it. Try to make sure that the buds you cut above are facing away from the center of the plant. This will make sure that your plants have proper air circulation to help keep them from different mildews. I don't personally always follow this rule (due to lack of buds on roses less hardy) but I find that it usually helps when I do.

Another thing you can do to help give your roses a great chance at starting well is to cut off any canes or twigs that are less than a pencil width thick. I sometimes find this extremely hard to do (after all, who wants to get rid of growth) but it gives the rose a lot more energy for the really good canes than it would have had.

Good luck with your roses!
Reply #2 of 3 posted 4 APR 07 by Eternally Grateful
thanks so much Mikayla! i really appreciate it! Eternally Grateful
Reply #3 of 3 posted 6 APR 07 by HMF Admin

Thank you for your participation ! That's what HMF is for - a tool for the rose community to share their knowledge and experience.
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