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Discussion id : 13-174
most recent 12 AUG 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 JUL 06 by KB
I seeking roses that bloom with only four hours of afternoon sun. I need them to be hardy to Zone 5 in  Canada.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thank you.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 12 AUG 06 by Bill Raimond
Hi,The Vintage Gardens Catalog (which I just received) recommends two Floribundas for a shade garden, i.e., 'Escapade' and 'Iceberg'. I understand that they have tested these two roses along with a number of other rose varieties.  There are no Hybrid Teas listed, however, there is quite a list  of  Hybrid Musks, Noisettes, Polyanthas, and Modern Shrub Roses.   Vintage  lists  two  roses which  they  say  "have  done splendidly in little direct  sunlight (three hours), 'Ballerina' (HM) and 'Bubble Bath' (HM)".  I also understand that Vintage has grown their listed shade tolerant roses for at least three years in the shade with good performance.  You might want to check out page 350 (Roses For Shade) in their catalogue (Vintage Gardens book of Roses).  I don't know whether the Roses For Shade information is also listed in their web site.
Discussion id : 12-783
most recent 30 MAR 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 22 JUN 06 by Lanette B

I am new to the care and planting of roses.  I live in Aurora, CO.

I recently purchased a rose called the "Flutterbye".  It is a very beautiful rose and I think I am killing it.  Since I planted this rose the majority of leaves have turned yellow, dried up and are falling off. 

I don't know what I'm doing wrong.   I don't know what type of soil it prefers moist or dry, do I let dry

between waterings?  does it require 4, 6, or 8 hours full sun?

Reply #1 of 6 posted 23 JUN 06 by Wendy C

Roses need a minimum of 6 hours of sun a day. Where is your Flutterbye planted? In the ground, or pot?

Did the leaves have dark spots on them before they turned yellow? How often are you watering?

Roses like to be evenly moist. If they are too wet the leaves will turn yellow and drop. Too dry and they will wilt, the leaves dry, but don't turn yellow in my experience. The leaf drop could be a disease or insect problem too which why I asked the above questions.


Reply #2 of 6 posted 23 JUN 06 by Jody
Hi Lanette. Yellow leaves can be a magnesium deficiency. you can try making a solution of epsom salts.  Mix 1 tsp of epsom salts to one gallon of water and see if you see any results. I am not familiar with your zone's climate but try this, or buy a product containing magnesium from a local garden store. Most roses need alot of sun but I live where we don't see alot of sun and many still do well.  Good Luck with your problem.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 23 JUN 06 by Kim Rupert

Before applying anything other than water to any plant which is expressing difficulties, make sure the problem isn't insufficient water. All "fertilizers" and such are salts, and the only way they can enter the plant's cells is to remove water from the plant and replace it with the salts. If your plant is ailing because of a lack of water (due to not enough supplied; drainage, rot, damage, etc. to the roots; too much heat to the root area due to the pot over heating, etc.), and you "fertilize" it, you can easily damage or kill the plant. A safe rule of thumb is not to apply anything other than water until you see the plant appear to improve, such as new growth beginning. Then, go with a light feeding. When you are sick, you don't eat a full meal, but start with smaller portions until you feel your strenght return. Your plants appreciate similar treatment.

While the symptoms may resemble a nutrient or micro nutrient deficiency, those effects are usually slow to appear and progress. A lack of water; transplant shock; an extreme change in conditions such as a large increase or decrease in heat or light; an over application of fertilizer, or applying when the plant is too dry, usually cause faster, more extreme symptoms. For those which come on quickly, only using water until they improve is often the safest bet.

Reply #4 of 6 posted 23 JUN 06 by Jody
Lanette, could you go back to the store you got this rose from ? or call a local Garden Club  or neighbors, who are familiar with your area? ask their advice?  maybe Kim is right. you could try giving it more water for a couple days, see what happens. How much water are you giving it? Don't let this discourage you!! we have all lost roses or had ones that didn't do well. If this doesn't work for you try something easier like Rugosas or Gallicas if they do well in your area. a Rosa Rugosa is good first rose. Do you have other plants that have yellow leaves? or just this rose?
Reply #5 of 6 posted 29 MAR 07 by marsha
Hi, I'm Marsha. I find that my roses do very well in 6-8 hrs of sunlight, but out of the wind. They seem to love the sun. Try a little bacon grease on the root that will make the rose last longer and probably end your brown spots
Reply #6 of 6 posted 30 MAR 07 by RoseBlush
In my experience, Kim's advice is right on... as usual. I have grown roses in a very rose-friendly climate and now in the mountains in northern California. Whenever, I first put a rose into the ground, I water it daily. Of course, I have already tested the rose hole for drainage.

Generally, there is "damage" to a rose's root system when it is pulled from the field and packaged up for shipment to nurseries. What that means to you is that the root system of a new rose is not as efficient as it will be once it has settled in and begun to grow new roots. As Kim mentioned, the best way to know the root system is doing its work of transporting nutrients and moisture to the upper growth of the plant is when you see new growth showing on the rose.

Wendy C. has written a wonderful article for our Ezine A Rose Garden for Everyone / Roses 101. To find the article, just click on "Ezine" on the navigation bar to the left. Drop down and you will see the title of her article, published Dec 2005). Just click the title and you can access the article. You'll find a lot of wonderful rose growing tips in her article.

Good luck with your roses. You picked a beautiful variety for your garden.


PS... HelpMeFind will be putting up new issues of the Ezine soon.
Discussion id : 11-153
most recent 10 FEB 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 FEB 06 by Greg Holmes
Does 5-6 hrs. of sun a day apply to the whole rose bush or would it be enough if the sunligh only reaches the top of the plant?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 9 FEB 06 by Wendy C
90 percent of the bush should be in full sun for 5-6 hours each day.
There are varieties which don't mind some shade such as Darlow's Engima, that might be the direction to go.

Good luck
Reply #2 of 2 posted 10 FEB 06 by Greg holmes
Thanks for the reply. The rose I have is Cecile Brunner Cl. It will most likley get enough sun to the upper portions but not much around the roots and because it's a rambler would it not seek out the sun. My main thought was the ground around the base of the plant my not get enough warmth.
Discussion id : 249
most recent 14 MAY 03 SHOW ALL
Initial post 12 MAR 03 by Unregistered Guest
How much sun does a rose need?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 12 MAR 03 by Alex Sutton
Roses are not considered to be shade-loving plants.

They require a minimum of four-to-six hours of direct sunlight daily in order to perform their best.

There are a few exceptions. For instance, the petals of some dark red roses tend to discolor (or burn) in hot sun and a bit of shade during the hottest part of the day is recommended to prevent this.

However, the General Rule of Thumb is: roses are not shade-lovers.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 14 MAY 03 by Troy Bentz by way of Donna Lopardo
Roses are like English ladies- they love sun in the morning and shade in the afternoon. (This is an old proverb.)
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