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most recent 5 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 days ago by Magnus95
To my nose it smells like Gertrude Jekyll, but not as sweet or strong.
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Initial post 26 OCT 21 by peterdewolf
I was very impressed by this rose in online videos and here the fragrance is rated as 'very strong' but Tantau who sell the rose only give it a 2star for fragrance ?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 5 days ago by Rosie(7bGermanyBW)
My Artemis is in its fourth year, three years cut down very low for good branching. It has sun from about 1 p.m. until evening - its head can see the sky, the shade comes from a house.
For me there is scent, but I really have to put my nose right into the bud. (comparison : the scent intenstity would be the same as for Garden of Roses / Joie de vivre; whereas other roses for me have strong scent: e. g. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe / Pure Poetry; Stephens‘ Big Purple; Munstead Wood, Scepter’d Isle; …)
(The colour for me is creamwhite with a mixture of yellow (like the yellow colour of an artifical vanilla custard). Especially the closed buds and the inner of an opened flower show that yellowish / vanilla colour. So this vanilla - cream - white is seen from bud to flower until it shatters.)
most recent 6 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 days ago by andrewandsally
I must say, my 'Fred Loads' is well-behaved. I have two bushes alongside 'Sally Holmes', the two being products of the same breeder and, in many ways very similar in flower form except for colour and scent. (I have them in a bed which also comtains 'Dusky Maiden' another English single-semidouble rose of the same period more or less.
For those outside Britain I would point out that the rose is named after a head gardener who became nationally famous as one of the team of advisors on the radio programme 'Gardener's Question Time' and as the author of several popular books of gardening advice.
most recent 6 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 days ago by Jimmeeyyy
Does any one know if this sets hips or has fertile pollen?
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