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most recent 8 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 days ago by Fredrik
This has turned out to be a very good rose in my USDA 5b location with very harsh winter weather. Squeaky clean, strong musk scent, flowers from midsummer onwards, beautiful hips. Leaves too are beautiful. Stays a rather nice bush size of 150 cm, with overhanging canes. Insects fight for the easily accessible nectar. For those who are engaged in hybridizing roses for colder climates, this ought to be a winner.
most recent 8 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 days ago by eihblin
In the desription, it says that this rose "can be pruned to maintain a shorter habit". I would like to try this-what do I do? cut it back by one-third,as is sometimes suggested for Austins? Thanks in advance !
Reply #1 of 2 posted 10 days ago by Nastarana
I grow "Portland from Glendora", which is thought by some rosarians to be Joasine. Mine does send out long canes. I have cut it back by about 1/2, and will likely do so again this year.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 8 days ago by eihblin
Thank you so much; I will try doing as you do.
most recent 8 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 days ago
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most recent 8 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 days ago by TeresaB
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